Dynamical systems problems in the modelling of highway traffic

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Dynamical systems problems in the modelling of highway traffic

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Most drivers will be familiar with stop-and-go waves in highway traffic: One is driving smoothly along the highway when for no apparent reason traffic snarls up for several minutes before flowing smoothly again.Despite a modelling history spanning over 50 years, the fundamental mechanisms which explain these and associated spatiotemporal patterns are in dispute. In this talk I will give a general overview of the problem context and traffic modelling techniques before describing some of my recent work in thisarea, in which a nonlinear dynamics view can explain some of the problems with existing theories.

Most drivers will be familiar with stop-and-go waves in highway traffic: One is driving smoothly along the highway when for no apparent reason traffic snarls up for several minutes before flowing smoothly again.Despite a modelling history spanning over 50 years, the fundamental mechanisms which explain these and associated spatiotemporal patterns are in dispute. In this talk I will give a general overview of the problem context and traffic modelling techniques before describing some of my recent work in thisarea, in which a nonlinear dynamics view can explain some of the problems with existing theories.

Dr R Eddie Wilson, University of Bristol
Fraser Noble Lecture Theatre 3