Exploitation of nonlinear damping for structural systems vibration control

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Exploitation of nonlinear damping for structural systems vibration control

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Seminar from Dr. Zi-Qiang Lang, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield

In this talk, the beneficial effects of nonlinear damping on  structural system vibration control are  investigated via rigorous analytical studies using nonlinear system frequency domain analysis approaches developed at Sheffield. The results indicate that the introduction of odd powered nonlinear damping devices can effectively overcome the well-known problems with linear damping which can attenuate the vibration energy around resonant frequencies but may be detrimental for vibration suppression over other frequency ranges. Experimental results are  used to demonstrate the  beneficial effects of nonlinear damping revealed by the theoretical studies. Finally, a novel approach  based on integrating the instantaneous harmonic control (IHC) with  nonlinear damping is introduced to resolve the robustness problem with IHC, which relies on an accurate knowledge of disturbance frequency to achieve an ideal control performance.  Both simulation and experimental study results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new technique which exploits  the effects of nonlinear damping to achieve a robust and much better harmonic control.

Dr. Zi-Qiang Lang
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