Structural stability and shadowing in dynamical systems

Structural stability and shadowing in dynamical systems

This is a past event

Prof Pilyugin is a visiting academic from St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Consider a dynamical system generated by a diffeomorphism  f of a smooth closed manifold. The system is called structurally stable if any diffeomorphism g, C1 close to f, is topologically conjugate to f (i.e., the patterns of trajectories of the corresponding dynamical systems are the same from the topological point of view).The system has the shadowing property if, for any approximate trajectory, there is a close exact trajectory. It is known that a structurally stable system has the shadowing property while the converse is not always true. We show that, under some additional assumptions, the shadowing property implies structural stability.

Prof Sergei Pilyugin
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105 (156) St Mary's