Early Level

Early Level

Early Level

Below you will find the links to the Early Level unit, comprising a teacher's guide and links to 4 Sways. The unit explores Scots language, Scottish Traveller culture, and children's folklore (games, rhymes, songs, and dance, among others) past and present through engaging with Stanley's album of street songs and stories 'Rum Scum Scoosh ' (there is no need to buy the CD, all audio is embedded in the Sways). It focuses on Social Subjects, Literacy and Expressive Arts outcomes. Learners will compare games in the past with games played by children now and look at continuities. They will also create new a song, game, and dance.

Activity 1: Games Past and Present

(Click the image to open the Sway)


Activity 2: The Quartmaster's Store

(Click the image to open the Sway)


Activity 3: New Games from Old

(Click the image to open the Sway)


Activity 4: Time to Dance

(Click the image to open the Sway)


Early Level Teacher's Guide

Stanley Robertson Education from the heart of traveller culture - Early Level