Stanley Robertson Teaching Resources

Stanley Robertson Teaching Resources

Stanley Robertson: Education from the Heart of Traveller Culture


2019 marked the tenth anniversary of the death of the celebrated Scottish Traveller singer, storyteller, piper and author, Stanley Robertson. The Institute held a number of events to celebrate his legacy including talks, concerts, discussions, storytelling sessions and more. We also received funding from Aberdeen City Council to create free teaching resources for primary schools that focused on Stanley's life and art. The 'Stanley Robertson: Education From the Heart of Scottish Traveller Culture' resources were designed and developed by retired teacher and storyteller Jackie Ross and Scottish Traveller activist Davie Donaldson with support from Stanley's son Tony Robertson, storyteller Grace Banks, and PhD student Lauren Hossack.

Each activity plan has been carefully selected and designed to sit within the Curriculum for Excellence, providing an inclusive approach to subject choice. The design of the pack allows for flexibility and ease of use, spanning Early, First and Second Level CfE education. Through engagement with Scottish Traveller culture and history, children's folklore (song, games, dance, rhymes etc.), religion, young people's Rights, and traditional songs and stories, these resources will help teachers and educators satisfy CfE Outcomes and Experiences pertaining to Expressive Arts, Literacy, Social Subjects, Religious and Moral Education, and Health and Wellbeing.

Please contact if you have any questions about the resources.