The Twa Corbies - Child 26

The Twa Corbies - Child 26


Jist imagine twa craws sittin on a tree an plannin their next meal. That's fit this sang's aboot. Ane o them his spotted a deid knicht lying ahin a dyke an tells the ither ane he'll mak a rare denner for them. They even describe the tastiest bitties tae eat first.


This sang's aroon three hunner year auld an there's an English version o't caed The Three Ravens, but fit ane cam first we dinna ken.

It's still affa popular, despite, or maybe because o, it's gruesome story.

Ballad: The Twa Corbies (Child 26)
Singer: Emma Spiers
Accompanists: Martin MacDonald, Guitar / Tom Spiers, Fiddle

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