The Swan Swims Sae Bonnie - Child 10

The Swan Swims Sae Bonnie - Child 10


This is aboot jellisay atween twa sisters. The young een wis bonnier than the aulder een, an they baith funcied the same loon. Nae doot yi can guess fit een he funcied.

Well, in the days fan this sang wis screeved, it wis a richt insult for the younger sister tae be mairried first, so the aulder een taen action tae mak sure that didna happen.


This is ane o the earliest ballads in print (1656) and versions o't were collected a ower the country. It wis affa popular in Scandinavia as weel, wi versions fae Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Faroes.

Ballad: The Swan Swims Sae Bonnie (The Twa Sisters – Child 10)
Singer: Iona Fyfe

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