The Fause Knicht - Child 3

The Fause Knicht - Child 3


This is aboot a wee laddie fa's stoppit on ees wye tae skweel by an affa weel drest mannie - like a laird or a knicht, but he's really a divil, or some ither ill trickit cratur fae the undirwirld. The only chunce the loon his tae get awa, is tae oot-wit him wi a cliver ansur.


The only source for this sang wis “Motherwells Minstrelsey” published in 1827.

Surprisinly, there's nae record o't in the Greig-Duncan Collection, even tho it's commonly sung in NE Scotland richt thro tae the present day.

Versions o the story are kint in Scandinavia and Shetland.

Ballad: The Fause Knicht Upon the Road (Child 3)
Singer: Ellie Beaton

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