The Baron O Brackley - Child 203

The Baron O Brackley - Child 203


Clan feuds wir aywis on the go, and this is aboot a lang-standin ane awteen the Farquarsons an the Gordon's o Brackley. In this case, fa iver screeved the ballad has stuck twa different clashes thegither - ane in 1592 an the ither in 1666. They hid lang memories for huddin a grudge.

The ballad maks oot that it wisna a fair fecht, an maybe there wis a bit o plottin ahin the scenes wi Brackley's wife an Farquarson, but naebudy really kens.


This is anither ballad that cam fae Mrs Brown O Falkland, fa recited it for the collectir Robert Jamieson, an he printed it in 1806. The battle, or murder, dependin fa's tellin the story, taen place in fit is noo the Glen Tanner estate.

Ballad: The Baron O Brackley (Child 203)
Singer: Cameron Nixon

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