Earl Richard - Child 68

Earl Richard - Child 68


Earl Richard's a name that pops up in a lot o the Child Ballads, but it's nae the same mannie.

In this sang, he's a bittie tactless fan he tells his girlfriend that he's awa hame tae see a quine that's ten times bonnier than her. It wid be an understatement tae sae that she wisna pleased, cos she killed him and flung him doon a well. But it disna finish there, cos he cam back as a bird and gaed her a richt tellin aff.


This is a much shorter version o an English Ballad caed Young Hunting. It's fae William Motherwell's Manuscripts o 1825 and is version 'F' in Child.

Ballad: Earl Richard (Child 68)
Singer: Tom Spiers
Accompanists: Emma Spiers, Harmonium / Martin MacDonald, Guitar

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