Welcome tae oor page aboot The Muckle Sangs.
We're nae gan tae ging intae lots o detail aboot fit they are an far they cam fae, we're jist gan tae gee a wee taste fae this kist o ancient tales in the Scots leid.
We hope it'll get ye interested enough tae find oot mair aboot them and tae twig fou rich the Scots leid can be.
The Sangs
The ful collection is three hunner an five ballads, but we're jist gan tae look at a puckle o them wi gweed stories.
Fit are Muckle Sangs?
Awa back in the 18th & 19th centuries, a lot o cliver fowk collected these sangs so they widna be lost. Then, in the second half o the 19th century an American Professor caed Francis James Child gaithered a these sangs the-