Category B listed building. The Market Inn is dated 1585 on a painted lunette stone with grotesque moustachioed head - you can see it by going through the pend arch. The building in it's present form could be as late as 18th century but incorporating earlier fabric, but it is certainly the oldest building in continuous occupation in Banff.
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Decorative metalwork parapet with 'ROYAL HOTEL' lettering,
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A beautiful little sign if somewhat distressed, appears to be in enamelled steel? A convex oval with repoussé lettering and a decoration of a three masted ship.
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Ship Inn public house sign, mythical sea monsters and sailing ship depicted in a naive style, based loosely on early maritime chart illustrations
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A cut (or perhaps forged) steel or iron sign in the form of a three masted schooner. The holes at the head of the fore and mizzen masts suggest the sign was originaly designed to hang.
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A fairly conventional sign (with a nod to a more English idiom), somewhat weathered, shows the silhouette of a fly fisherman fishing in the River Ythan, with a view of the nearby bridge.
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