Temporary Installation

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Temporary Installation
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Coast Festival, benches installation
Bench banner, Carmelite St.

As part of the first Coast Festival (23rd-26th May 2008 ). One of three commissioned temporary public art works. A series of 5 separate installations of digitally printed banners each was a trompe l'oeil image of a bench in place where one might have been the background to match the wall. On each bench was a montage of objects on closer inspection one can see the distortion of scale used in these objects. For instance while the herring gull is life size, the abandoned plastic carrier bag it looks as though it is going to scavenge from is full of tiny street lights and other street furniture.
A comment is made on the surrounding landscape which a person sitting on the illusory bench might survey and inhabit, an interesting contrast between the objects that give our places unique character and those such as road signs and street lights that tend to homogenise the environment.

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Coast Festival, Helen Denerley sculpture park
Helen Denerley, Little Giraffe

As part of the first Coast Festival (23rd-26th May 2008 ). The artist kindly loaned a number of her animalier works.
While many artists world wide produce sculptures of animals using the technique of welded assemblage Helen's pieces are outstanding in her apprehension of both the basic anatomy and the movement and expression of each species. She is also careful not to completely lose the original identity of the materials used in the works construction. The nature of the scrap used often add considerably to the numinous qualities of the finished piece. In my personal view the best of her works are those pieces that evoke rural Scotland (deer, sheep, horses, hunting dogs, native birds etc.) given extra poignancy by being made of the detritus of the rural economy of the recent past.

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Coast Festival, installation at Macduff Pier
Macduff pillars

As part of the first Coast Festival (23rd-26th May2008 ). One of three commissioned temporary public art works. It consisted of 5 uprights in polished steel. These created a complex visual environment of reflections, shadows and reflected light beams. Constantly changing in accordance with the light and the viewers position.

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Coast Festival, sculptures by Rob Mulholland
Pointing man Coast 2010

For COAST 2009 Rob created an installation of figures standing in the grounds of Banff Castle looking down toward the bay, with a lone figure down by the sea wall at Greenbanks pointing out to sea.This installation is a play on the seafaring traditions of Banff and Macduff, with the townsfolk looking out in search of the returning fleet and the distinct relationship that fishing families have with the sea. The figures have been cut in mild steel and riveted together to resemble the plate used in fishing boats; this choice and use of materials creates a resonance with our community and visitors alike.

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Coast Festival, video piece
Andy McKeown screen piece

As part of the first Coast Festival (23rd-26th May 2008 ). One of three commissioned temporary public art works. A screen based piece using images and recollections from local residents, specifically about Tarlair Lido but also Banff and Macduff in general. You will notice many artefacts illustrated in this database in the stills shown here. A large part of the artist's creative contribution rests on his custom written 'slipstream' computer programme used to display the images and audio elements in continuously changing combinations.

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Gold Close 7 Kirk St Peterhead
Gold Close, Peterhead, detail

The rough walls of a narrow close (a covered alley) 20' feet long 4' wide and 10' high, in a street of pink and grey granite tenements. The artist has covered the walls with gold lead thus creating a light installation when the sun illuminates it. The reflected light emphasises architectural features that were previously obscured by the general deriliction and old surface coatings. The work creates an intense visual impact on the street in the right light conditions.

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Hackley Bay beach sand drawing
Forvie, Hackley Bay Beach Sand Drawing

Beach drawing mostly consisting of a sun burst design with spiral and star motifs.

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Installation of scarecrows
Individual Tattie Bogle

An installation of, about ten, simple tattie bogles (scarecrows) constructed of old overalls, buckets etcetera on wooden frames, these were arranged symmetrically on either side of a rectangular pasture to protect barley crops in adjacent fields.

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Mary Bourne pieces at COAST 2010
Mountain Flower by Mary Bourne

An exhibit of several recent pieces by the artist in a variety of natural stones, marble Caithness stone etc.

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New Strains at COAST 2010
New Strains text

Hanging acrylic panels engraved with Latin botanical names the English translations of which are used as women's names.

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Part of Art, Space & Nature, at COAST festival 2010
Art, Space & Nature detail

Three circular assemblages of neatly arranged bundles of cut grass, on the lawn in front of the castle.

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Performance by Peter & Rossi at COAST festival 2010
This Way To See

Site specific installation and performance piece with an inflatable and pointy red hats, by Ruby Pestor and Nadia Roster

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Peterhead video piece
Peterhead Ice Factory, video piece in snow

The artist (Dutch film maker, Jean Bei Ning) filmed local residents walking in front of a mobile blue screen. This footage was then mounted into slides showing landmarks in Tibet, Africa, Scotland, Thailand, Syria and Indonesia. This created the effect that local people were travelling in 'other worlds'. The artist also produced a sound piece located elsewhere in the town consisting of stories recorded in interviews with local people.

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Rainbow Maze at COAST festival 2010
Rainbow Maze, Donna Wilson

A maze constructed of various coloured yarn woven round wooden posts. This piece used thousands of yards of yarn much of it donated by the local community.

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Stephen Healy & Sperm Whale
Stephen Healy & Sperm Whale

Glasgow based Stephen came to an outsider’s conclusion, based on the architectural layout and history of Peterhead that he had observed, that “Peterhead is and has always probably been an unpretentious working class community. Taking into account the town's social and economical history and its reliance and existence on the fishing industry, there seems to be a functional no nonsense attitude when it comes to the towns general look." He also noted a lack of any decadence with the town’s character, in the form of frills, “aesthetics for aesthetic sake”. His intervention aimed to address some of these issues that the granite town portrays.

His artwork, an animated neon light depicting a sperm whale in motion, introduced a suggestion of colour to the granite town. Neon light was chosen because of its cultural use in other British coastal towns, notably Blackpool’s illuminations. Presented in the style of a 3ft by 2ft boxed exterior shop feature and located outside a traditional local fishmonger's, the whale quietly pulsated, attracting attention and curiosity to the location. The whale is a reminder to the inhabitants of the town that their
forefathers, on regular expeditions to Greenland, would have witnessed these magnificent creatures in the last true wilderness of the planet; a natural phenomena which only a few of us are likely to see in our life times.

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Temporary Installation of Horse and Stag sculptures, Portsoy
Stag sculpture

Approximately life size sculptures in an iron filigree technique.

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