Other Memorials and Grave Art

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Other Memorials and Grave Art
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1754 tomb St Johns Gamrie
1754  monument St John's Gamrie

A slightly vernacular attempt at a Classical monument, the red sandstone pediment and architrave are literally falling apart. The inscription reads "Here lies interred the ashes of Margaret _____ Spouse to John Ord at ____ Crivie who died Jan the_ _ 1754. As also the ashes of Margaret Watt Spouse to John Ord sometime att Mill of Melross who died Jan the 7th 1707.
This is erected to their memory by Alex and John Ord's their lawful sons & grand sons.
I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the later day upon the Earth & though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God Job 19th 25 26"

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17th century grave slab St Drostans kirk Aberdour
17th cent tomb slab Aberdour

A 17th century grave slab with finely carved lettering and memento mori symbols in a primitive style.

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18th cent tomb slab St Drostans Aberdour
memento mori on Aberdour tomb

A stone slab carved with memento mori in a more primitive style than the nearby Clyne grave. The inscription is no longer legible.

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Aberdeen enclosure, Methlick
Aberdeen Enclosure, Methlick

A low walled enclosure with a very ornate 'Celtic revival' cross shaped tombstone.
The inscription reads:
To the memory of
George John James Fifth Earl of Aberdeen
Born at Stanmore Priory September 1816
M.P. for the County of Aberdeen
Died at Haddo House March 22nd 1864 at the age of 47
also of his wife
Mary Baillie Countess of Aberdeen
Daughter of George Baillie of Jerviswoode
and sister of George 10th Earl of Haddington
Born August 4th 1814 and died at Kennet House Alloa
April 3rd 1900 at the age of 85
Their Works Follow Them

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Andrew Bruce Memorial

A memorial commemorating the artist's brother Andrew Bruce who lost his life during the sinking of H.M.S. Barham at 16.25 hrs. on the 25th November 1941. The memorial is to be installed in his home village of St. Combs.

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Anne Rochfords Gravestone - Tree of Life
Tree of Life Gravestone detail

An inspired contemporary gravestone, by Helen Denerley, with a brass and copper relief appliqué in the form of the tree of life in a sinuous style. A mouse and a lizard are nestled among the tree's roots.

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Bairds of Auchmedden, Recumbent Figure Tomb
crest boar detail

A fine recumbent figure tomb set in a gabled enclosure, the Medieval meets the Renaissance in a particularly Scots idiom. There is an interesting central motif below the figure of corn springing from bones. The wild boar in the crest is extremely rotund and has something almost oriental in its design. Inscriptions: (motto at top) Dominus fecit. (main plaque) An. Dom. 1636. Positum a Georgio Baird de Aucbmedden praeposito Burgi de Bamff in honors Dei & in memorii praedicessoru quorum corpora in die resurrectionis . hic sepulta jacent.(underneath with memento mori) G. B. Mors sceptra ligonibus aequans. Spes altera vitae. Coelum non solvm quaero.

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Banchory-Ternan Watchtower in Kirkyard
Watchtower in Kirkyard Banchory

A circular white harled 2 story tower. Conical slated roof with round finial, a lum (for a fire to keep watchers warm) and bellcote (for bell to raise the alarm). Recently restored by the Banchory Rotarians. The warning bell is dated 1664 and probably came from an early church on the site, established as a missionary base by St Ternan around 490AD.

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Battle of Harlaw Memorial Monument
Harlaw Monument 2

Erected in 1911 by the Burgh of Aberdeen a large polygonal tower shaped monument of coursed roughly dressed stone blocks with cornerstones in a contrasting redder stone. It has an outstepped base the angles of the main section are set with large square decorative bosses and it has a stepped top with protruding rainwater spouts. The lettering of the inscriptions in particular and the overall design in general has much of the 'arts and crafts' movement about it.

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Beaton gravestone Methlick
Beaton gravestone  detail of decoration on rear

A huge granite Celtic cross memorial that dwarfs the more ornate Aberdeen memorial in the same graveyard.
The inscription reads:
Erected in memory of James Beaton, Farmer Middlethird Methlick,
who died on the 7th Nov. 1908
aged 73 years,
and (on the second step of the stepped base)
also his brother Thomas Beaton, who died at Ythan Villa Methlick
on 25th March 1920 aged 82 years

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Bervie old Parish Kirk yard, various
Webster memorial inscription

One of the photographs show 2 of the notable memorial slabs, one decorated with relief carved memento mori and two unusual figures, the other photographs show a grand Victorian/Edwardian monument in polished pink and grey granites to a "David Webster flax spinner in Bervie".

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Bishop Meldrum Marnoch
Bishop Meldrum Marnoch - Detail

A baroque extravaganza of a tomb.

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Bruce-Gordon tomb St Johns kirk Gamrie
Bruce-Gordon tomb St John's kirk Gamrie

A typical early 18th cent grave slab with momenti mori, there are so many of these we stop noticing them but they are in their way not only remarkable works of art but also if legible historic records that tell poignant tales of the lives of our ancestors.
The inscription reads: "This stone is here set by Barbara Bruce sometime in Bloodymire to the memory of William Gordon her husband who departed this life Dec 14th 173(8?) and Jean William Janet Ann & Isbeel Gordons their children The said Barbara Bruce died March 28th 174* James Gordon thr son died April 4 17(5?)0

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Burnett Ramsay Memorial fountain
Burnett Ramsay Memorial fountain

A neo-gothic style decorative fountain with 4 polished pink granite columns supporting arches carrying a pyramidal roof. Erected in 1870 by “tenants, neighbours and friends” in memory of Colonel William Burnett Ramsay of Banchory Lodge who died on 6th November, 1865, another monument to the same man is at Strachan Kirk

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Burnett Ramsay Memorial fountain, Strachan Kirk
Burnett Ramsay Memorial fountain, Strachan Kirk

A memorial plaque set into the wall in front of the new church over a now filled in stone arched space that would originally have held a waterspout. The fountain dedication is now badly eroded but was dated 1866, the same year as the ‘new’ church was dedicated and is “in remembrance of William Burnett Ramsay of Banchory Lodge” who died in 1865. A slightly later and far more ornate monument to the same man is in Banchory.

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Burns garden, second Burns bust and Laura Anne memorial stone
Burns Bust 2

A small civic garden near the Cowie River crossing on the north side of the town centre.
The steel fabricated railings were created by 'The Stonehaven Horizon' a team volunteers when the garden was revamped in 2006. Various themes from Burns's poems are used in this garden, as well as the 'moosie' and the Thistle, along with the 'sun' logo of the Horizon Project Group. The plants in the garden are also those with Burns associations. The 'sun' logo is used throughout the town on various improvements that the group have been involved with.
The Laura Anne memorial a small sandstone memorial relief carved with a rose, inset with a granite plaque bearing the dedication (artist unknown) late 1990s.
The pre eminent raison d'être of the garden is the sandstone Bust of Scotland's most famous poet Robert Burns (b. 25 Jan 1759 Alloway d. 21st July 1796 Dumfries, at the age of 37). The entire piece is covered with references to Burns's poems - each of the four sides of the pedestal has a grotesque mask of one of his many characters along with an associated text. It was carved by Robert Taylor 'Ghosty Bob' - a local monumental mason and sculptor (his nickname a result of his work carving many gravestones).
This is the mark 2 version. Both works ultimately derive from the 1787 portrait by Alexander Nasmyth (1758-1840). This seems to be regarded as the definitive image of Burns and has been used as a source for most of the huge number of later representations, it is certainly more flattering than the portrait painted by Peter Taylor in 1786.

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Carnie Memorial Fountain
Carnie Memorial fountain

A very simple inscribed slab of polished pink granite, pierced with a spout that presumably once tapped a spring and fed the stone trough below. Erected in memory of John Carnie who volunteered for active service in South Africa (Boer War) and died from fever on 11th May 1900 aged 22. Perfect position on high point of road with view towards Clachnaben.

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Clyne grave 18th century grave slab St Drostans kirk Aberdour
Peter Clyne's 18th cent tomb slab Aberdour

A nicely carved 18th century grave slab with classic memento mori symbols in a slightly more sophisticated style than some examples.

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Corsearder, Corsedarder or Corsedardar Stone
Corsedardar Stone

A squarish block of reddish granite, about 4'7" in maximum height and 7' in girth, which was dug up many years before 1842 and was erected on top of the hill of Corsedardar, in the belief that it had marked the grave of some eminent person. The stone has been split, and now has the two portions set into a bed of concrete and pieced together by strong iron bands. Tradition says that it marks the spot where Dardanus, a Pictish king, was killed. A stone, 1.5m high, 0.8m wide, and 0.2m thick, generally as described, and possibly a cist slab. Visited by OS (R L) 12 June 1972. from RCAHMS

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Cowie Chapel Childs Memorial Book
Book memorial

Example of a memorial in the popular book form, this one dated 1894 is in a permeable stone and has suffered badly from shell erosion over the years, it is in memory of a 4 years and 6 month old John Leiper. Who died on the 7th July 1894

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Cowie Chapel farmerss tombs
Farmers Grave

Three examples of late 18th century headstones to tenant farmers and their families marked with the ploughshare and coulter symbol. The inscriptions also give the farm names.

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Cowie Chapel Gardner tomb
Gardner tomb Cowie detail

Another early 20th century Celtic revival cross. This one is in grey granite and has some very nicely carved interlace panels, it commemorates burials various members of the Gardner family from 1908 -1965

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Cowie Chapel George Ironside tomb

Upright grave slab with Celtic cross with interlocking knotwork in high relief with a carving of a chalice in the centre of the cross. It is inscribed in Latin: Georgius Ironside ecci: Scot: Sacerdos - In Xto. Obdormivit iiij Non. Oct MDCCCLXI Det Illi Dominus (the rest is obscured)

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Cowie Chapel Headstone with Finger Pointing Up
headstone with pointing hand

Lees family headstone of Gothic arch shape decorated with a hand pointing to heaven and flower scroll and cordage motifs.

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Cowie Chapel lifeboat memorial
Cowie Chapel, Lifeboat memorial detail

Grey granite memorial surmounted by a simple latin cross and carved in relief with a lifeboat, the inscription reads: Erected by public subscription to the memories of four of the crew of the Stonehaven life-boat "St George" Viz:- James Leiper, coxswain, John Brown, assistant coxswain, Alexander Main and James Lees, who were drowned while endeavouring to enter Aberdeen Harbour, after an attempt to render assistance to the "Grace Darling" of Blyth on 27th February 1874 --- James Leiper, is interred in Belhelvie Churchyard, Alexander Main in Nigg Churchyard, John Brown and James Lees are buried here.

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Cowie Chapel Masonic headstone
Cowie Chapel, Masonic Headstone

This stone, dated 1793, shows the Masonic symbols of sun, moon, star, set square and compasses, trowel, chisel on ashlar, level, plumb rule, mell, set square and gavel.

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Cowie Chapel seamens tombs
schooner sarcophagus

A variety of 18th and 19th century tombstones, adorned with ships and anchors, in memory of seamen and fishermen many of whom lost their lives at sea and often their wives and children. Some also bear memento mori symbols such as the hourglass. Most of the boats illustrated are open fishing boats but the fourth photograph shows a sarcophagus style tomb with a relief carving of a 3 masted ship in full sail. The top photograph showing a stone to David Adams also commemorates his seven children but has a blank where the inscription to his spouse was intended as does the related 'blacksmith's stone'. It is sad to think of that the likeliest explanation is that outliving their husbands and children these women had no survivors to order or pay for the inscriptions.

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Cowie Chapel winged hourglass headstone
Winged Hourglass headstone

This unusual memento mori symbol of a winged hourglass may be seen on this badly eroded 18th century stone within the ruined chapel.

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Cowie Chapel, 18th century blacksmiths headstone
Cowie Chapel, Blacksmith's headstone detail

Stone with the blacksmiths' crown and hammer symbol, the stone is inscribed: "in memory of James Forrest late blacksmith in Stonehaven who died January 14 1779 aged 71 years" then there is a gap presumably intended for an inscription to his wife that has not been done, followed by: "and also of their children Margaret and Jean who died in infancy. As with the similar blank on the stone of the seaman David Adams it is sad to think of that the likeliest explanation is that outliving their husbands and children these women had no survivors to order or pay for the inscriptions.

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Cowie Chapel, 18th century shoemakers headstone
Cowie Chapel, Shoemaker's headstone

18th century stone dedicated to John Davidson shoemaker with the crown and last trade symbol of the shoemaker,

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Cowie Chapel, Hassell tomb
Cross with Figures detail

A grandiose Celtic revival cross with angelic figures in pink granite inscribed: In memory of Susan Constance Hassell widow of William Hassell of Bristol died August 4th 1906. "There shall be no night there".

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Cowie Chapel, St. Marys of the Storms, Cowie Kirkyard
Cowie Kirkyard Gate, Stonehaven

The old kirk now stands as a consolidated ruin, originally dedicated to St. Nechtan, or St. Nathlan, though it was rededicated to St. Mary in 1276. It was never a parish kirk and was suppressed by the kirk session in the 1560s.
The kirk was lengthened at the W. end during renovations in the 15th - century, though the remainder of the kirk is said to be 13th – century in date. Restoration work was carried out in 1870 and it is probable that the lintel to the arched opening in the S. elevation dates from that time.
The E. and W. gables remain, the former composed of three lancet windows, very thin in proportion, broadly spaced and having carved sandstone head terminals. The gable wall is extremely deep with the windows having a remarkably broad internal splay. The W. gable features a large square window opening.The mort-house or arched vault was built in 1842 though the W. end of the kirk extends over this arch making it impossible to see how the vault was entered. The granite side and grassed roof of the vault appear to be in good order.
Tombstones : There are approximately 20 recumbent tombstones of which 4 are significantly well-decorated. There are many hundreds of upright tombstones contained within the kirkyard that is itself located on two levels. The kirkyard is approximately oval in shape and is situated on the cliffs with commanding views over the North Sea.
The bottom photograph shows the wrought iron 'kissing gate'.

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Culsh Monument
Culsh Monument

The 80ft (24m) Culsh Monument, erected 1876 in memory of William Fordyce MP of Brucklay , Aberdeenshire's first MP.
Viewing platforms are provided at the base, and at the top of the spiral staircase within the tower. On a clear day the distant Caithness Hills can be seen to the north, Ben Rinnes at Dufftown in the west, the Grampian Mountains to the south and Peterhead to the east.

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Dr Danny Gordons cairn and a memorial bench
Wight Glenlogie bench, detail

A small memorial cairn of mortared rubble inset with an oval panel of pink granite carved in relief with the words "Dr Danny Gordon's widdie" nearby is a bench presumably a memorial carved in relief with interlace and the words "WIGHT GLENLOGIE".

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Duff House Mausoleum
tomb of Provost Douglas of Banff

Rectangular Gothic Mausoleum and re-sited late 17th Century tomb. Fine cast and wrought iron gate incorporating complex designs of foliage, anthemion, rosettes, Earl of Fife's coronet and monogram JF. Deep stone frieze below eaves, 2 Coade stone crocketed pinnacles survive. Re-sited against centre of S elevation is a round headed figure tomb, decorated with symbols of mortality and rebirth. The tomb was supposed to be that of Robert the Bruce and was taken to give spurious antiquity to the new Earldom of Fife, however it was actually the tomb of Provost Douglas of Banff, with the inscription covered until in 1990 when it slipped uncovering the true identity. House open to the public. See their website for details.

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Duke of Richmond statue Huntly
Duke of Richmond statue Huntly

A Victorian portrait statue, inscription reads: Erected as a memorial of Charles Gordon Lennox Fifth Duke of Richmond, by the tenantry of the Lordship of Huntly.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, general info

There have been a number of churches on the present site. The original church, dedicated to St. Bridget in 1394, was replaced in 1593 by the 5th Earl Marischal (George Keith), which in turn was replaced in 1782 by a much larger church. The church was completely reconstructed in 1903 and remodelled into a cruciform plan by G.P.K. Young of Perth, with parts of the 1782 church incorporated into the present building. The kirk is of a rectangular plan built of granite rubble with Gothic details. There is a plain ball-capped bellcote on the E. gable.
The Marischal Aisle is a small stone building in the churchyard, built by George Keith in 1582, as a burial place for his family.The Marischal Aisle is the oldest complete surviving section within the church confines. It was erected in 1582 by the 5th Earl as a family burial place. It was restored in 1913 by Aberdeen University, as a tribute to George Keith who had founded Marischal College.
Numerous tombstones of interest are found in the vicinity of the Marischal Aisle. Some date from the 17th & 18th centuries and are elaborately carved with winged souls, skulls, crossbones, hourglasses and sexton’s spades. Some display tools of trade. On the stone of James Kemlo, town’s officer and bellman, is carved a bell.
There are approximately 36 recumbent stones of which 13 are particularly well-decorated. There are a pair of oval recumbent tombstones a little to the E. of the Marischal Aisle, which are possibly the only two of their kind in Aberdeenshire. There are many hundreds of upright tombstones, many of special note. There is a stone commemorating those who died in the dungeons of Dunnottar for their adherence to the Covenant. There is an extremely well-carved skull in the boundary wall above an upright tombstone.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Sextant on Old Stone

An elegant relief carved recumbent stone with motifs of a sextant and dividers clasped in hands surrounded by an ornate baroque cartouche of scroll work with memento mori at the corners. Presumably the grave of a navigator.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, various memento mori
memento mori symbols

Tombstones dating from the 17th & 18th century may be engraved with emblems of mortality, such as skulls, bones, the sexton’s spade and turfcutter, or an hourglass symbolising the sands of time running out the words "memento mori" themselves are sometimes also inscribed . These older stones may be embellished with winged souls, often at the top of the headstone, to represent the hope of resurrection and immortality.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, 17th Century Headstone

A tombstone dated 1685 with primitive engraved memento mori including a skull very like a bowling ball.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Celtic Cross
Celtic cross memorial

Early 20th century Celtic revival free standing stone Celtic Cross with fine carved relief decoration featuring strap work interlace

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Headstone of Town Bellman
The Bellman's Stone detail

Upright stone of a typical Victorian 'Gothic revival' pointed arch shape for James Kemlo, town’s officer and bellman for sixteen years, died 1889 the stone also commemorates an Elizabeth Edward who died in 1868 aged 88. (the lichen makes athe inscrition hard to read but I think it says she was James Kemlo's mother). The stone is relief carved with a hand bell resting on a shelf flanked by stylised thistles.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Headstone with Tools
Headstone with Tools

An early upright stone relief carved with what looks like a slater's tools.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Merchants Headstone
Merchant's Headstone detail

Upright gravestone with the traditional merchants symbol like a figure 4.

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Dunnottar Cemetery Stonehaven, Skull on Churchyard Wall
Skull on gravestone

An extremely realistic and well executed carved skull set in the kirkyard wall above an upright stone that itself bears an upward looking relief of a skull, much eroded, on its top surface.

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Early Crosses, Banchory
Early Christian Crosses

A relic of St Ternan's Monastery still remaining at Banchory is a slab with two incised Celtic crosses, built into the Tilquilly vault in the chuchyard. Discovered by J W Robertson, Aberdeen.

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Eider Duck bench Forvie
eider bench Forvie reserve

A carved wood bench the side supports representing the eider ducks, for which the reserve is famous, on columns of shell and weed encrusted rock, the back board is carved to suggest the estuary landscape the bench faces.

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Electra, Bodie Enclosure, Head on Pillow Stone
La Belle Electra memorial

Carved pillow stone erected in memory of Isabella Henry or "La Belle Electra" assistant to Dr Walford Bodie.

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Emma Margaret Brigstocke memorial Gardenstown
memorial before restoration

A simple and restrained granite monument to a grandmother, the inscription reads: "Erected by Francis William Garden Campbell of Troup and Glenlyon 1878 in memory of his mother's mother Emma Margaret Brigstocke who died August 20 1876 Psalm XCIII VER 3. 4."
Verses 3 and 4 of Psalm 93 are "The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods have lift up their waves.
The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea."
Has been recently (2007) restored and re-engraved the lower picture shows its previous state.

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Fetteresso New Cemetery, Stonehaven: Gravestones,and wrought iron gates
Fetteresso New Cemetery Gates detail

Large municipal cemetery on the outskirts of Stonehaven opened in 1902 to serve the increasing population of the area. There are about 1600 gravestones within Fetteresso New, the majority of which are constructed from local granite, the three illustrated are however later 20th century (80s and 90s) stones of imported black granite. They are of interest in showing a modern take on visual iconography, two of them illustrating occupations as do the gravestones of earlier times from some older graveyards. The grounds were extended to the north-west in the late 20th century with a new entry gate constructed for easy access.

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Fishermens Memorial, Peterhead
'Fishermen's Memorial, Peterhead

Size overall: 180cm x 350cm x 50cm, sail shaped cast bronze relief modelled with scenes of early 20th century fisher life, mounted on a granite slab.

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Fraser/Saltoun Mausoleum and Jubilee or Temperance Fountain
Jubilee or Temperance Fountain

There are two Fraser/Saltoun Mausoleums the old one which is situated adjacent to the Old Parish Church and a more recent ? one which stands by itself in the Kirkton cemetery. They are almost identical in Gothic style, with curious stepped pyramid roofs surmounted by obelisks topped with an egg shape. The older 18th cent one is harled and the more recent is in exposed dressed granite.
The Jubilee fountain has been moved from elsewhere in the square. It consists of a geometric carved granite base with 4 basins at 2 heights (presumably for dogs and people) surmounted by a blue painted cast iron Victorian extravaganza of a finial adorned with four heraldic beasties, (wyverns ?). It is sad that so many of our fountains no longer provide water or are even connected to a water supply.

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George Duff memorial, Banff Castle
George Duff memorial, plaque

A roughly cut small sandstone menhir with an inset bronze plaque and Rotary Club insignia.

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Gordon Highlanders Memorial
Gordon Highlanders Memorial

The regimental crest of a Hart's head with ivy wreath on top of the motto 'BYDAND' mounted on a plinth of undressed pink granite.

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Gourdon/Inverbervie Cemetery cast iron grave marker
Iron gravemarker reg mark

About 1m tall, an unusual memorial in cast iron. In contrast to the innovative material the style is after the neo-classical ideals of the 18th and 19th centuries, architectural in inspiration with fluted columns and relief decoration of swags, scallop shell and etc. . Erected by a William Wilkie to his wife Jane Stewart and also his own memorial. The inscription is on a greenish plaque in ceramic or enamel riveted or screwed to the main body of the memorial. It is also marked as by "Smith and Wellstood Bonnybridge Foundry" and bears a registration number. Presumably these memorials were at one time mass-produced but did not catch on.

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Grave Slab of Gilbert de Greenlaw
Grave Slab of Gilbert de Greenlaw, verso

Sandstone, the upright slab to Gilbert de Greenlaw, who was slain at the battle of Harlaw in 1411, stands in the kirk and exhibits a finely incised figure of a knight. The stone was obviously broken and reused, by a Forbes in 1592, with a Forbes incised armorial crest of three dogs and dated 1592 on the reverse side also inscribed with latin and greek texts.

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Gravestone with death figure, St Marys Graveyard, Banff
Unusual gravestone, showing a winged archetype of death

Gravestone carved in high relief with a winged 'grim reaper' death figure, with a scythe and hourglass.

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Gravestone with four poster bed St Marys Kirkyard Banff
Bed gravestone St Mary's Banff

An 18th century stone carved with two angels one holding a trumpet the other an hourglass, both hold truncheon like objects in their other hands, they flank the deceased who is lying in a grand full canopied bed above a memento mori skull.

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Gravestones, St. Brandons Kirk Cemetry Boyndie

Located at side of narrow road, no parking facility. The stones include:
First image, An unusual pointed gravestone with carved figure. Holding what appears to be an hour glass in one hand (a symbol of passing time and immortality). Stone initialled "I E" . No date or name.
Third image, A more elaborate, less naïve version of the winged angel, as a symbol of immortality. In contrast, above, sits a simple skull, a symbol of mortality.
Fourth image, A fine example of monumental art with two angels carrying a basket of corn and winged angel's head, symbols of mortality and immortality. Also appears to display some trade emblems within a crest. It was customary around this period to show tradesmans tools as a mark of respect to the deceased worker.
Fifth image, shows a winged head at the top, in the centre above memento mori are a square and compasses that may indicate a Freemason.

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Hercules Linton Memorial, Inverbervie

A full scale carved timber replica of the figurehead from the renowned tea clipper "the Cutty Sark" carved from Linton's original drawings 3 metres tall. with a black granite plaque engraved with the image of the ship. The figurehead depicts the young witch in Robert Burns' poem "Tam O Shanter" grasping the tail of Tam's mare, her right breast bared. In the Scot's language 'cutty sark' means a short shirt or shift, it is interesting that despite that fact and the otherwise erotic nature of the figure, the carving is actually wearing quite a long shift, perhaps the Victorian era was much more at ease with tits than with bums.

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Innes/Russel enclosure, St Marys Graveyard, Banff
Russel crest

A very geometric neo-classical almost Egyptianate monument.
Inscriptions: Ornatur radix fronde (The root is adorned by the foliage) with the palm frond crest of the Innes and Memor esto, (be mindfull) beneath the boar's head.
Left panel. "To the memory of Alexande lnnes of Rosieburn, third son to John Innes of Edingight, who died 16th April, 1761, aged 60,
and of his spouse Katharine Abercromby (second daughter of Alexander Abercromby of Glassaugh, M.P.), who died the 8th October, 1784, aged 76.
Sacred also to the memory of their son Thomas Innes of Rosieburn, who died the 24th August, 1784, aged 35 years. Sacred also to the memory of John Russel, post captain in the Royal Navy, eldest son of Thomas Russel of Rathen, and Ann Innes of Rosieburn, who died at Aberdeen 16th October, 1813, aged 45 years."
Centre panel "To the memory of John Russel of Rathen (second son of Patrick Russel of Montcoffer), who died 3rd May, 1755, aged 55, and of his spouse Margaret Calder (eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Calder of Muirtown, Bart.), who died 11th July, 1770, in her 56th year. Katharine Russel, daughter of John Russel of Rathen, and spouse to John Hay, 3rd son of Andrew Hay of Mountblairy, died 12th August, 1775, and was buried in the church of Alvah. The remains of Mr. John Hay (who died in London 1785) are interred in St. Bartholomew Church. Sacred also to the memory of Ann Innes of Rosieburn, spouse to Thomas Russel of Rathen, who died 13th November, 1814, aged 67, and of Thomas Russel of Rathen, who died 12th April, 1827, in his 85th year."

right panel "Sacred to the memory of the following sons and daughters of the late Thomas Russel of Rathen and Anna Innes of Rosieburn, his spouse, all buried here, except where otherwise mentioned. Mary Abercrombie Russel died at Aberdeen 4th March, 1814, aged 29 years, and was buried there. James Russel, R.N., died at East Stonehouse, Devon, 27th February, 1829, aged 58, and buried there. Helen Russel died at Aberdeen 23rd of March, 1838, aged 59 years. Catherine Russel, wife of George Russel, Esq., Skelmuir, died at Aberdeen 28th March, 1844, aged 69, and buried there. Aletha Russel died at Aberdeen 22nd July, 1849, aged 67. Margaret Russel died at Aberdeen 8th July, 1851, aged 74- Jane Maxwell Russel, wife of the Reverend James Cordiner of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen, died at Aberdeen 14th August, 1854, aged 67, and buried there. Elizabeth Russel died at Aberdeen 16th October, 1865, aged 82 years. Grace Russel died at Fraserburgh 21st April, 1866, aged 78."

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James Mitchell Memorial fountain, Kemnay

In memory of James Mitchell (1773-1857), carrier, and to provide water for carters' horses, a late symphony in local granites, comprising a well and urn of pink granite with a square grey (Kemnay) granite arched superstructure bearing a sensitive pedestrian statue of Mitchell with roped pack, all in a railed hemicycle granite-walled enclosure with gate piers.

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John Brown statue
John Brown Statue

Bronze statue of John Brown, Queen Victoria's gillie, in Highland dress, inscribed with his name on a granite plinth. The inscription on the plinth reads:
Friend more than Servant Loyal. Truthful Brave. Self less than Duty, even to the Grave.

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Lowrie Grave St. Marys Banff
Lowrie gravestone St. Mary's Banff

18th century stone with memento mori above the inscription "This stone is erected by James Lowrie, shoemaker in Banff, to the memory of John Lowrie and Janet -----, his father and mother, and John Lowrie, his son, who died October, 1755? aged . . ."

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Maitland Grave Methlick
Maitland Grave Methlick

A fine example of an 18th century tombstone. Decorated with a cherubic angel's head in front of clouds from behind which emanate solar rays. The beautifully executed inscription commemorates Patrick Maitland late in little Ardoch, Jean Robertson his spouse several of their children and Charles Maitland

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Mausoleum Of The Frasers Of Park
Mausoleum Of The Frasers Of Park text 3

There are two Fraser/Saltoun Mausoleums the old one which is situated adjacent to the Old Parish Church in Saltoun Square, and a more recent ? one which stands by itself in the Kirkton cemetery. They are almost identical in Gothic style, with curious stepped pyramid roofs surmounted by obelisks topped with an egg shape. The older 18th cent one is harled and the more recent is in exposed dressed granite.

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Memorial to lost lifeboat volunteers
Plinth and plaque

A life-size bronze statue of an RNLI crewman, cast bronze in the style of heroic realism so much favoured for memorials.

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Memsie Cairn
Memsie Cairn

A very well preserved example of a larger round cairn, with no turf covering. Once part of a whole landscape of cairns that have been removed. The information board mentions some of the finds listed below (info from RCAHMS) but at this date it seems unclear where exactly particular artefacts were excavated and how accurate the descriptions of them were. The overall impression however is of a large important sacred site dedicated to funery rites over an extensive period of time.

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Mystic Marie
The Bodie Hypnotic Waltz

Grave of Mary Walford Henry, or "Mystic Marie" assistant to Walford Bodie ("Dr" Walford Bodie, billed as "Electrical Wizard of the North," a show business personality with national reputation.). Upright dark grey/black polished granite tombstone with carved marble angel figure erected on top, also has portrait bronze plaque in the same style as Bodie Fountain.

The 4th photograph is a contemporary photograph of Marie Henry (Walford was a stage name) for comparison with the bronze.

The 5th shows the cover of some sheet music "The Bodie Hypnotic Waltz" based on "Dr Bodie's" and "Mystic Marie's" stage act. It is a good example of exuberant Victorian/Edwardian graphic design.

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North Sea first air crossing memorial
North Sea first air crossing memorial

A small monolith of pink Peterhead granite set upright on a rotunda of masonry itself set on a pavement of irregular slabs all in rough Peterhead granite, a bronze plaque has this inscription "From the sands of Cruden Bay on the 30th July 1914 the Norwegian Aviator Kommander Tryggve Gran D.F.C made the first crossing of the North Sea by air."
Underneath in smaller letters "RGC"

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Ogilvie Tomb, Fordyce
Ogilvie Tomb

Magnificantly carved ogee-arched altar tomb of the Ogilvies of Findlater.
Remains of church; dates from before 1272; ruinous Medieval church; all that remains now is the roofed bell-tower in a fair state of preservation; the obvious later steps to the first floor on the E side of the tower bears an inscription and the date 1721. The old church consisted of a nave with aisles on the W & S; the former aisle belonged to the Ogilvies of Durn, and the latter, now divided into two, belonged one to Birkenbog and the other to Findlater & Boyne. W portion contains mural wall tomb of Ogilvy of Findlater; E portion a mural tomb of a recumbent effigy in armour c1509. A Post-Reformation tower stands with a richly carved double-arched bellcote dated 1661; the Abercrombie of Glassaugh burial aisle is late 17thC with small apex bellcote; burial ground has an interesting range of tomb stones. Church replaced in 1804 by present parish church.

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Ogilvie tomb, St Marys kirkyard Banff
Ogilvie tomb

A simple 16th century table top tomb for a hausband and wife. Inscription reads: ANO. DNI. 1558.29 NOVE. OBIIT. VALTERVS. OGILVY. DE. DVNLVGVS. MILES . PRAEPOSITVS . HVIVS . VRBIS . ET . HIC. JACET. CV. ALISONA. HVME. EIVS. SPOSA. OBIIT. 23. JVLII. ANO. 1557.

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Patrick Gordons Cairn
Patrick Gordon's Cairn

An elegant elongated cone shaped cairn with in-curved sides in coursed dry stone, without any interpretative sign. It is on the lands of Auchleuchries that Patrick Gordon belonged to.

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Pithie memorial sundial
The Pithie Sundial

A sandstone sundial on a square section pillar with chamfered corners mounted on cuboid pedestal. There are words carved around the edge that indicate it is a memorial to '??thie born 8th June 1836'. Below there are words but they are not readable On the back there is 'A Pithie' then 'born', the next bit has gone but the year seems to be 1812. The base is inscribed "W. Pithie mason 1857"

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Plague Stones - Gravestones
South Plague Stone

Near to plague burial-ground; plague or victims were interred not here but in a nearby hollow to the south east of Victoria Street, at a site known as The Maltman's How. The site is now occupied by modern buildings and gardens. Two gravestones were found about 1842 (which had lain on a what at that time was a piece of waste ground, they were then erected against a bank on the left of the path opposite the Bog Well ) and are now set into the E wall of a public footpath at NO 8741 8552. Stone to N dated 1608 with death's head and shield incorporating 'MT' monogram, reading 'Heir lyes ane honest man, Magnvs Tailiovr, seyman, qvha depairtit in November, (in the time of) pest 1608'. Stone to S dated 1648 and reading 'Heir lyes ane Honest mans bairns Alexander and William Brokie, sones lawful to Alexander Brokie, who departet the 12 of Jwnie, of the age of tvalf and nyn yeirs old, in ano 1648'.

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Prince Albert Cairn
Albert's Cairn inscription

A monumental pyramid of cut granite stones

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Prince Arthurs cairn
Prince Arthur's cairn

A cone of coursed rubble

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Prince Leopolds Cairn
Prince Leopold's cairn

A stout cone of coursed granite rubble

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Princess Alices cairn
Alice's cairn plaque

A cone of coursed rubble. The inscriptio reads: Prince Louis of Hesse D'Armstadj - The Princess Alice of England - Married 1st July 1862

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Princess Beatrices cairn
Beatrice's cairn

A cone of coursed granite rubble

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Princess Helenas cairn
Princess Helena's cairn

A cone of coursed granite rubble

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Princess Louises cairn
Princess Louise's cairn plaque

Cone of coursed granite rubble. The inscription reads: HRH the Princess Louise of England- The most noble The Marquis of Lorne-Married the 21st March 1871

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Princess Royals cairn
Princess Royal's cairn

A four sided obelisk of roughly dressed granite stones surmounted by an orb

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Prop of Ythsie

A bit of an ugly and intimidating monument to the hereditary principle and the divine right of the aristocracy/rich to rule the rest of us for their own advantage, however it is worth the climb up both the hill and the stairs for the view toward Bennachie. Erected to the memory of the Prime Minister the Fourth Earl of Aberdeen. A square tower of coursed red granite with dressed quoins and a corbelled and crenellated parapet. The lower stage is steeply battered. SMR

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Purchase Cairn
Purchase Cairn

Cone of coursed granite rubble

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Radulfus Slab, St Drostans Church, Insch
figure next to tomb

The two medieval burial monuments have been placed against the outer face of the WNW gable. The first, which measures 1.05m in height, is the head and torso of the effigy of a knight dating to the late 13th- or early 14th century. It is heavily weathered, and the figure's face has sheered off, but traces of detail survive along its more sheltered sides; the figure is clad in mail armour, with a coif, a surcoat, a belt, and a large shield. Beside the effigy there is a grave-slab of red sandstone measuring 1.8m in length by 50mm in thickness and tapering in breadth from 0.43m to 0.34m. At its wider end a wedge-armed cross has been incised within a circle. Running along the slab is an incised inscription reading: ORATE:PRO:ANIMA:RADULFI:SACERDOTIS:.
Although the inscription has been damaged, it suggests it may be dedicated to a priest Radulfus, Chaplain to the Bishop of Aberdeen between 1172 and 1194. A Radulfus is recorded as being a witness to a grant of land in Rayne to the convent of Melrose in 1172-99. Sandstone The stone, a Scheduled Ancient Monument, is a simple rectangle incised with an inscription and a simple circle enclosed cross. A badly eroded half of a figure statue lies beside the tombstone.

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Rickarton Cottages -cast iron railings - cast-iron parapet + memorial stone
decorative railing

Single storey and attic, 8-bay, short terrace of cottages with rusticated porches and pavilion centre with timber verandah. decorative cast iron railings No 5 low saddle-back-coped ashlar boundary walls with battered ashlar gatepiers to No 3, and decorative cast-iron railings to No 5, cast iron parapet at No 3 and the memorial stone, it is inscribed "erected as a memorial of William Rickart Hepburn Esq of Rickarton who died 30th May 1873"

BOUNDARY WALLS, GATE-PIERS AND RAILINGS: low saddle-back-coped ashlar boundary walls with battered ashlar gate-piers to No 3, and decorative cast-iron railings to No 5

Three pieces of railings are visible on this group of houses, all are slightly different some of the interiors also feature decorative cast iron balusters

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SANDS headstone
SANDS headstone

Headstone erected by local branch of SANDS organisation (SANDS Stillbirth And Neonatal Death Society) and set in a small garden of remembrance, in memory of local children who died at birth or in infancy. Polished grey granite stone engraved with baby cradled in a hand.

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SS Vigilant memorial
SS Vigilant memorial


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St James the Great, Episcopal Church Stonehaven, Duff Memorial
Duff memorial, St. James

Relief carved stone panel in an architectural style with crenellated top and side columns, with armorial decoration, memorial to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert William Duff of Fetteresso, Governor of New South Wales 1893-95. Presented by the 'women of New South Wales' as a tribute of sympathy to Lady Duff.

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St James the Great, Episcopal Church Stonehaven, Reredos
Reredos detail + seated Christ

Elaborately sculptured reredos by Gambier Perry of London, memorial to Mrs Annette Maria Baird of Ury, nee Palk (1884), incorporating 4 crocketted and finialled, pointed-arch, trefoil-headed niches supported by columns of Devonshire stone, with five alabaster figures, of Sts Andrew, Peter, James and John (brother of James), flanking larger niche with seated Christ carved in high relief above an alabaster tabernacle, with brass bound wooden doors.

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St James the Great, Episcopal Church Stonehaven, stained glass
contemporary window A. M. Christie memorial

STAINED GLASS: some fine coloured glass, including apsidal window depicting 'Christ crucified' by Clayton & Bell of London, flanked by windows depicting on left, the carrying of the cross and the flagellation, and on right the descent from the cross; West window is a memorial to Dean Christie showing 'Christ's Baptism' and 'Baptism from the Tolbooth window' (this illustrates the Rev. Alexander Greig baptising infants from the Tolbooth window while imprisoned in 1748 by the Hanoverian authorities for holding a service attended by more than 5 persons); memorial windows to nave including 'The Good Samaritan' commemorating Leslie Thomson and family of Invercowie House, 'St James' memorial to the Adams Family (1832-1955), and 'Angel' in memory of Alexander Innes of Raemoor, died 1882. Sir Ninian Comper's baptistery windows commemorate David MacDonald, headmaster of Episcopal school.
The contemporary window is a memorial to Alice Moira Christie 1932-1999 beloved wife of Jack Emslie it was designed and made by her daughters Elaine and Gillian Emslie in 2000

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St Johns Kirk Gamrie
St John's Gamrie gate

The ruined church of St Johns; the ruins of former parish church dedicated to St John the Evangelist said to be founded in 11thC. The present church has been built in two periods at least, the east end probably early 16thC and the rest 17thC; measures 28.75m long by 4.72m wide; rubble built, gable ends; wall and gable remain to roof height; ambry in E wall; 16thC Barclay of Tolly monument; 17thC onwards monuments in churchyard; fell in to ruin mid 19thC when new parish church built in 1830. Repointed in 1961.
In 1004 after a battle with the Danes the battle of the Bloody Pits (or pots) trophy skulls were brought here where they remained till fairly recently in a niche in the wall, Bloodymire (NJ 726 635) where Barbara Bruce lived is a possible site for the battle. One of the skulls went to the Banff museum. Arial photos of Bloodymire farm show crop marks of pits.
An entry in E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898. says " "Kirk of Skulls."Gamrie church in Banffshire: so called because the skulls and other bones of the Norsemen who fell in the neighbouring field, called the Bloody Pots, were built into its walls. " presumably relates to St Johns and not the newer 1830 Gamrie church.

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St Lesmos Church (new)
St Lesmo's Church

Church; 19thC; built over the ruins of the little mansion of the Lairds of Braeloine. The west extension of the church incorporates an arch and to the north a small bell-tower from this 17th C building. Still in use as a church. To the south of it a small farmstead called Braeloine, consisting of three buildings, is depicted on the OS map of 1867 but not on the 1888 edition.

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St Meddans, Medieval Gravestone
St Meddans, Medieval Gravestone

Gravestone in abandoned churchyard made of crude slab of grey granite
about 3 feet high by 1'6" wide incised with a Greek cross and with a relief of a sword or dagger. An early memorial aimed at a non-literate audience.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, armorial plaques
St. Ciarán's Kirk Stonehaven, armorial plaque 2

Two badly eroded and lichen covered armorial monuments, they are now hard to read or distinguish the devices but enough remains to indicate a high quality of decorative carving.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, blacksmiths stone
St. Ciarán's Kirk, Blacksmith's Headstone detail

A beautifully cut stone almost like an engraved book plate of the period. The crown and hammer blacksmiths' symbol can be seen at the top of this headstone. It is inscribed " 1823 RSIMK To the memory of RICHARD SMITH once blacksmith of URE and late farmer of ALLARDICE who died the 6th Sept 1822 aged 67 years"

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, Duff Memorial
Duff memorial, detail of arms

A superb white marble tombstone to the memory of Rbt. Wllm. Duff of Fetteresso, dated 1834, features a finely carved armorial panel in a good pediment. Also inscribed to his wife Mary Abercromby Duff who died 1833, it was erected by their son Robert and the inscription also commemorates his early death at the age of 31 in 1861.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, gardeners stone
gardener's stone detail

A memorial to 'John Smart late gardener at Barras who died 13th Feb 1798 aged 43 yrs' (the tools at the top of the stone of which the spade is familiar as a memeto mori thus here function as a trade emblem) an inscription is appended to his wife 'Christian Masson who died in 1847' two other commemorations follow to an Alexander Smart 1913 and to his wife Elizabeth Glegg Burnett 1926. Like other stones in this database with inscriptions produced from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th centuries it shows an interesting modification some would say a deterioration in the standard lettering style.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, general
St. Ciarán's Kirk

Scheduled Ancient Monument.
The Old Kirk : The old kirk is situated on a small hill that was once allegedly the site of the 6th - century Chapel of St. Ciaran. St. Ciarán was an Irish monk, missionary to the Picts (if it is was St. Ciarán founder of Clonmacnois who lived from circa 512-544AD it is hard to see how he had the time) there are also many other saints of the same name St. Ciarán [the Elder] of Ossory or of Saighir not to mention Saint Ciarán of Disert-Kieran, Saint Ciarán of Clonsost, Saint Ciarán mac Colga and an often confused St. Piran, in fact there are so many dark-age St Ciaráns it is something of an academic joke.
When Stonehaven became the county town of Kincardineshire in 1600, subsequent population growth necessitated the building of a New Kirk on Bath Street and St. Ciarán's fell derelict, but was rescued by the Duffs of Fetterresso who used it as their burial ground.
The Pictish period chapel was replaced by one built in the 13th – century of which the N.W. doorway and portions of the N. adjoining wall are said to belong. The main body of the present kirk dates from the second half of the 17th - century. Internally this elevation can be seen to have contained a number of window and door openings. The N.W. gable of the kirk is crowned by a bellcote, dated 1737, though the bell is no longer present. Internally the kirk contains a superb white marble tombstone to the memory of Rbt. Wllm. Duff of Fetterresso, dated 1834, and features a finely carved armorial panel in a good pediment. The memorial is in reasonably good condition.
Tombstones : There are approximately 71 recumbent tombstones, of which 12 are significantly decorated. There are many hundreds of upright tombstones of which a high proportion are stylish Victorian tombstones.
Some of the 18th century stones were engraved by a Mr. Cresswell, a farmer "who could not form a single letter with the pen".

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, granite obelisk
Pink Granite Obelisk

Pink granite obelisk in a classical style. The inscription reads: "In affectionate remembrance of William Mowat Leather Merchant
Stonehaven who died 11th May 1882 aged 69 years and of his wife Jane Silver who died 9th September 1895 aged 80 years
Also of his son Alexander Roberts Mowat who died 1st June 1883 aged 31 years"

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, stones showing Mortality Emblems
Recumbent stone with memento mori detail

Various headstones with memento mori symbols. The oldest, in the top photograph, appears to be dated 1600 pre-dating most of the surviving ruins.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, various Victorian stones
headstone with wreath motif

Stones of 1860s-70s in various styles derived from Victorian neo-gothic and neo-classical.

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St. Ciaráns Kirk Stonehaven, watchmakers stone
watchmaker's stone, detail

An elegant Victorian stone dedicated to a watchmaker, Robert Edwards, decorated with foliage, a flower motif and scrolls.

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St. Marys Graveyard, Renaissance style enclosure
enclosure skeleton detail

Renaissance style memorial complete with Corinthian columns and trumpeting angels. The relief lettering is badly eroded and now mostly illegible. However it is given in Annals of Banff list of inscriptions (see external link) as
"Memento mori. Time Flieth, Death persueth, Mind Mortality, Conquer Eternity. Sub hoc cippo reconduntur exuuiae generosae mulieris Sabellac Ogilvie, Gulielmi Scott aurificis huiusque urbis burgen: quondam coniugis quae fatis cessit 15 Augusti ann. dom. 1697 aetatis suae 55 ille . . ."

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St. Marys kirkyard Banff, general background

A fascinating surviving burial ground of medieval origin in the heart of a town. It exhibits an almost theatrical assemblage of memorial art. It is enclosed by low rubble wall with railings and containing late 16th century Banff aisle, burial enclosures and tombstones. See external link for a complete list of inscriptions.
The old Kirk : The old kirk of Banff was erected in 1471 and demolished in 1797, the partially reconstructed 16th - century "Banff
Aisle" is all that remains. A low canted aisle with geometric traceried window and stone slab roof. Contains memorial tablet
dated 1580 recording erection of aisle. Also table tomb of Sir Walter Olgilvy of Dunlugas (and Banff), died 1558 and his wife Alison Hume died 1557.
Tombstones : There are approximately 220 table-top and recumbent tombstones of which 48 are significantly decorated, with many hundreds of upright stones dating from the 16th - to the 19th - century. There are amongst others, a fine
recumbent figure tomb of George Baird of Auchmedden, an exceptionally well executed pyramidal tomb with a white statuary marble tablet carved in relief, and a superb 1698 Renaissance style memorial complete with Corinthian columns and trumpeting angels.

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Stone of Morphie, Alternative Name: Stone Of Morphy
Stone of Morphie

Stone of Morphie: This standing stone (measuring 1m by 0.7m at the base and 3.4m in height) is immediately S of the public road in the stackyard of Stone of Morphie farm. Traditionally said (New Statistical Account [NSA] 1845) to mark the grave of a son of Camus, killed in a battle between the Scots and the Danes, it was knocked down shortly before 1856. Digging prior to re-erection revealed part of a human skeleton, buried in black unctuous earth. The stone is freestone, and is uninscribed. as ref RCAHMS 1982; J Stuart 1856; Name Book 1863

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The Milestone and Commemorative Keystone
The Milestone and Commemorative Keystone

Sandstone commemorative stone worded 'THEOBALD BARCLAY 1150' 'MATHERS 1351 URIE' (see Notes below) from the 1781 bridge re-cut and set into wall below a milestone which is incised with BERVIE 10 / L(signifing Laurencekirk)14 / A(signifing Aberdeen)14.

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Thomas Edwards Gravestone
Thomas Edwards Gravestone

A Bronze plaque portrait on the gravestone of Thomas Edwards, a local naturalist and member of the Linean Society.

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Tolquhon Tomb and 17th/16th - century tombstones
16th c. tombstone detail

The Tolquhon Monument, built by Thomas Leper in 1589, of a chocolate- coloured sandstone, to commemorate William Forbes of
Tolquhon (perhaps to Forbes' design) and his wife Elizabeth Gordon, is supposed to be the relic of the S. aisle of the old kirk. Rich arched altar tomb mixed gothic and Renaissance motifs inspired by Dunbar tomb at St. Machar's, Cathedral.
It is somehow very Scottish in style.
Present pedimented setting probably of 1798. The monument is housed in a classical surround believed to be of 1798 in date, though a large porch has been erected by Historic Scotland consisting of sheets of perspex with bronze structural supports. The tombstone is remarkably well preserved with its representative figures, though the structure preserving it rather resembles a domestic green house.

Coats of arms as shown for William is 'Forbes quartered with Preston' and shown for his wife is 'Forbes impaled with Gordon'.
The charges on the shields show, heads of boars, unicorns and muzzled bears. The unicorns appear again at the top of the arch either side of the crown flanked by hounds hunting on the right a deer and on the left another animal I cannot definitely identify (perhaps a fox or martin).

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Tomb of George Baird of Auchmeddan, Old Aberdour
Tomb of George Baird of Auchmeddan

A 16th century grave slab relocated to the wall of the ruined St Drostan's

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Unknown Marnoch
Unknown Marnoch

Neo Classical style tomb.

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Various items at Old St.Cyrus cemetry
Graham of Morphie Aisle armorial panel

Reputed to be the site of a 13th - century kirk, there was said to be no visible signs of its position within the yard though a four-sided structure is present to the rear of the site bearing a carved stone lintel and chamfer-edged doorway. This enclosure, is said to be a burial ground. Built into a corner of the kirkyard is a small old watch-house with a good secure door and a small watch window.
There are approximately 10 recumbent tombstones, of which 3 are particularly well-decorated. There are several burial enclosures of particular note: - The Stratton of Kirkside enclosure,complete with original railings, contains a huge polished pink sarcophagus, a memorial with a bronze portrait by John Steell and a shattered 17th - century sarcophagus.The most visually commanding structure is the Graham of Morphie Aisle. Rebuilt in the 19th -century of a crow-stepped form, it sports a good armorial panel over the doorway.
The three carved figures, shown in one of the photographs, although presumably representing biblical characters, are a little reminiscent of the genii cucullati (hooded gods) figures of Romano Celtic Europe/Britain in pose if not in hoodies.

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