Stanley Robertson Project

Stanley Robertson Project

Remembering Stanley Project

Audio and Video Recordings

Public Lecture - Stanley Robertson in the Elphinstone Institute Archives

Remembering Stanley Project

Stanley Robertson standing in front of burnFunded by Aberdeen City Council, the Remembering Stanley Project at the Elphinstone Institute Archives focused on the records of Stanley Robertson (1940-2009), celebrated Traveller storyteller, singer, author, piper, and cultural advocate. Stanley Robertson was not only a noted contributor to the archives over the years, but as Heritage Lottery Key Worker (2002-2005) on the Elphinstone Institute's 'Oral and Cultural Traditions of Scottish Travellers Project', documented the lives of other Travellers around the North-East of Scotland. In recognition of the enormous contribution Stanley Robertson made, the Remembering Stanley Project was launched.

Archives cataloguer Lauren HossackAs Archives Cataloguer for the project, Lauren Hossack inventoried Stanley's numerous archival recordings and manuscripts with the aim of taking stock of the materials, fully cataloguing them, and beginning the process of digitising the materials. Lauren discovered that Stanley appears in around 150 catalogue records, making him by far the most prolific archive contributor. Lauren has digitised around 100 hours of this audio from recordings of Barrie Nichts, public talks, and storytelling and singing sessions.

Some of the 50+ interviews Stanley conducted for the Institute's 'Oral and Cultural Traditions of Scottish Travellers' project have also been digitised. These give invaluable insight into the lives and experiences of Travellers of all ages. 100 manuscript items have been digitised, showing the volume of work he undertook to share his expertise in balladry and storytelling with others worldwide.

Selected archival material has been used in local schools, speaking and singing to young people while educating them about Scottish Travellers and their rich culture. The next step is to ensure some of this material can be made accessible online (see examples above). This is a major undertaking, and in the meantime visitors are always welcome to listen to recordings in the Institute - please get in touch via if you would like to arrange this.

Audio and Video Recordings

Public Lecture - Stanley Robertson in the Elphinstone Institute Archives (delivered by Lauren Hossack)