Team Publications

Team Publications

Julia Bishop, David Atkinson, and Robert Young Walser
'The James Madison Carpenter Collection of Traditional Song and Drama ', Oral Tradition, 8/2 (2014).

David Atkinson, Julia Bishop, Elaine Bradtke, Eddie Cass, Thomas A. McKean, Robert Young Walser
The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue (hriOnline, University of Sheffield, version 1.0: 2003, version 1.1: 2006, version 1.2 2008). Joint recipient of the Brenda McCallum Prize of the American Folklore Society, 2003, and awarded 8 out of 9 (excellent) in the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals CILIP/Neilson Reference Awards - Electronic Formats, 2003.

Julia Bishop, David Atkinson and Robert Young Walser, 'The James Madison Carpenter Collection of Traditional Song and Drama', Oral Tradition, 28, no. 2 (2013), 307-16.

David Atkinson
The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and its Imaginary Contexts (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2014). Winner of the Katharine Briggs Book Award 2014.

Co-edited with Steve Roud, Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America: The Interface between Print and Oral Traditions (Farnham and
Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014).

'"William and Margaret": An Eighteenth-Century Ballad', Folk Music Journal, 10.4 (2014), 478-511.

'The Ballad and its Paradoxes', Folklore, 124 (2013), 123-38.

'"This Is England": Sense of Place in English Narrative Ballads', Victoriographies, 3.1 (2013), 1-22.

'Are Broadside Ballads Worth Editing?', Variants, 10 (2013), 235-55.

'Sound and Writing: Complementary Facets of the Anglo-Scottish Ballad', Twentieth-Century Music, 7 (2010), 139-65.

'Genetic Foundations for a Palimpsest Model of the Anglo-Scottish Ballad Text: Evidence from the J. M. Carpenter Collection', Folklore, 121 (2010), 245-67.

'A Brief History of Ballad Editing', in From 'Wunderhorn' to the Internet: Perspectives on Conceptions of 'Folk Song' and the Editing of Traditional Songs, ed. by Eckhard John and Tobias Widmaier, BASIS, vol. 6 (Trier: WVT, 2010), pp. 169-79.

'Topynymy of the Child Ballads: Problems of Representation in Written and Oral Texts', Folklore, 120 (2009), 253-73.

'Editing the Child Ballads: Agency, Intention, and the Problem of Version', Variants, 6 (2007), 123-62.

'Where Is the Ballad, and Why Do We Want So Many of Them? An Essay in Ontology', Lied und populäre Kultur/Song and Popular Culture, 54 (2009), 11-32.

'What did the people all say?': Ballad Editing and the Problem of Punctuation', in 35th International Ballad Conference SIEF Papers and Materials, ed. by Hannah Skrypnyk, Larysa Vakhnina, et al. (Kiev: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Rylsky Institute for Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, 2009), pp. 272-87.

'From Text to Work: Reconceptualizing Folk Songs as Texts', in Dear Far-Voiced Veteran: Essays in Honour of Tom Munnelly, ed. by Anne Clune (Miltown Malbay: Old Kilfarboy Society, 2007), pp. 1-14.

With Julia C. Bishop, 'The Contributor as Collector: Ann Lyall and "The Fair Flower of Northumberland"', in Emily Lyle: The Persistent Scholar, ed. by Frances J. Fischer and Sigrid Rieuwerts, BASIS (Ballads and Songs - International Studies), vol. 5 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007), pp. 5-24.

'Editing Carpenter, Conceptualizing Folk Song Collections', in Ballad Mediations: Folksongs Recovered, Represented, and Reimagined, ed. by Roger deV. Renwick and Sigrid Rieuwerts, BASIS (Ballads and Songs - International Studies), vol. 2 (Trier: WVT, 2006), pp. 88-99.

'Folk Songs in Print: Text and Tradition', Folk Music Journal, 8 (2004), 456-83.

'Beyond Orality: Textuality and Tradition', in Ballads and Diversity: Perspectives on Gender, Ethos, Power and Play, ed. Isabelle Peere and Stefaan Top, BASIS 1 (Trier: WVT, 2004), pp. 41-47.

'"The Two Sisters": The International Ballad and a Version from the Carpenter Collection', in Visions and Identities,ed. Eydun Andreassen, Annales Societatis Scientiarium Færoensis, Supplementum 22 (Torshavn: Tungulist, [1996]), pp. 61-72.

Julia C. Bishop
Co-editor, with Steve Roud, The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs (London: Penguin, 2012) [contains some songs from the Carpenter collection]

With David Atkinson, 'The Contributor as Collector: Ann Lyall and "The Fair Flower of Northumberland"', in Emily Lyle: The Persistent Scholar, ed. by Frances J. Fischer and Sigrid Rieuwerts, BASIS (Ballads and Songs - International Studies), vol. 5 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007), pp. 5-24.

'Grouping, Grawping and Groping towards a Critical Edition of the James Madison Carpenter Collection of Traditional Song and Drama ' (Leeds: University of Leeds, 2005).

'Bell Duncan: "The greatest ballad singer of all time"?', Folksong: Tradition, Revival, and Re-Creation, ed. Ian Russell and David Atkinson, Occasional Publications, 3 (Aberdeen: Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, 2004), pp. 393-421.

'"The White Fisher": An Illegitimate Child Ballad from Aberdeenshire', The Flowering Thorn: International Ballad Studies, ed. by Thomas A. McKean (Logan: Utah State University Press, 2003), pp. 218-44.

'"Dr Carpenter from the Harvard College in America": An Introduction to the James Madison Carpenter and his Folklore Collection', Folk Music Journal 7.4 (1998): 402-20.

'The Ballad Tunes in the Carpenter Collection', Folk Music Journal 7.4 (1998): 450-70.

'Note on Referencing the James Madison Carpenter Collection', Folk Music Journal 7.4 (1998): 400-01.

'"The most valuable collection of Child ballads with tunes ever published": The Unfinished Work of James Madison Carpenter', in Ballads into Books: The Legacies of Francis James Child, edited by Tom Cheesman and Sigrid Rieuwerts (Bern: Peter Lang, 1997) 81-94.

Elaine Bradtke
'The Bidford Morris Repertoire: Charting the Development of a Re-invented Tradition', in Roots and Routes: Fiddle and Dance Studies from Around the North Atlantic 4, ed. by Ian Russell and Chris Goertzen (Aberdeen: Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, 2012), 34-50.

'Fiddle Tunes from Under the Bed: Extracting Music from Carpenter's Recordings', in Crossing Over: Fiddle and Dance Studies from Around the North Atlantic 3, ed. by Ian Russell and Anna Kearney Guigné (Aberdeen: Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, 2010), pp 35-48.

'When Worlds Collide: A Multiformat Ethnographic Field Collection Meets an Early Commercial Film in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library', ARC Magazine [Society of Archivists], 239 (July 2009), 10-11.

'Sam Bennett: A Case Study in the English Fiddle Tradition from James Madison Carpenter's Ethnographic Field Collection', in Driving the Bow: Fiddle and Dance Studies from around the North Atlantic, 2, ed. by Ian Russell and Mary-Anne Alburger, Elphinstone Institute Occasional Papers (Aberdeen: Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, 2008), pp. 57-73.

'Sam Bennett and the Ilmington Tradition: New Evidence from the James Madison Carpenter Collection Cylinders', Fiddle On Magazine, 20 (2006), 8-13.

Eddie Cass
'James Madison Carpenter and George Baker: An Analytical Description of an Artistic Relationship', Folk Life, 52 (2014), 1-12.

'The James Madison Carpenter Collection of British Folk Plays', Folklore, 123 (2012), 1-22.

'The James Madison Carpenter Collection: Reflections on its Past and on its Future', in The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and US-American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff, ed. by Anton Kirchhofer and Jutta Schwarzkopf (Trier: WVT Wissencschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009), pp. 202-212.

'The Lower Heyford Folk Play. James Madison Carpenter's use of Dialect in his Cylinder Transcriptions', Folk Life, 45 (2007), 40-48.

'James Madison Carpenter Collection ', Traditional Drama Forum, 11 (2004).

'James Madison Carpenter Collection ', Traditional Drama Forum, 10 (2004).

'J. M. Carpenter, Ethel Rudkin and The Plough Plays of Lincolnshire', Folk Life, 41 (2003), 96-107.

'James Madison Carpenter: The Cataloguing of a Folklore Collection', Folk Drama Studies Today: Papers given at the International Traditional Drama Conference 19-21 July 2002, University of Sheffield, England, ed. by Eddie Cass and Peter Millington (Sheffield: Traditional Drama Research Group, University of Sheffield, 2003), pp. 197-206.

Thomas A. McKean
'The Dialect Conundrum in Transcribing Early Sound Recordings', in From 'Wunderhorn' to the Internet: Perspectives on Conceptions of 'Folk Song' and the Editing of Traditional Songs, ed. by Eckhard John and Tobias Widmaier, BASIS, vol. 6 (Trier: WVT, 2010), pp. 209-24.

Robert Young Walser
'Dreg Songs Lost...and Found', Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies, 53.1 (2015), 19-35.

Outward Bound on the J. M. Carpenter: Songs from the James Madison Carpenter Collection (Old and New Tradition, ONT2101, 2010, 798576483722). For reviews, see Publications Other.

'Getting Inspired: The James Madison Carpenter Team Visits the Library of Congress ', Folklife Center News 31.1-2 (Winter-Spring 2009), 13-14.

'Herding Folksongs', in Reiss, Joshua D. and Wiggins, Geraint A. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (London: University of London, Queen Mary, 2005), pp. 676-9.

'"Here We Come Home in a Leaky Ship!" The Shanty Collection of James Madison Carpenter', Folk Music Journal, 7.4 (1998), 471-95.