Come along to the Neepie Lantern Howking Workshop at Dunbar Hall, Dunbar Street, Aberdeen AB24 3UJ, on Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm, and have fun with like minded friends creating your neepie lantern in time for Halloween and our Neepie Lantern Competiton (see below). Bring a vegetable knife and dessert spoon to help howk your creation.
Cost is £5.00 per person (includes neep, candle, and string, plus refreshments). Parents are responsible for their children (one per adult please).
The idea is to encourage the tradition of neep lanterns for Halloween in the North-East. Neeps have lost popularity since the introduction of the pumpkin, which thirty years ago was not widely available in the North-East. The neepie lantern was a feature of Halloween, at parties, and guising (not trick or treating which is the fashion nowadays).
Pictured is a neepie lantern creation by Gareth Dunnett, workshop participant in 2023, and winner of the Neepie Lantern Competition 2023.
Neepie Lantern Competition 2024
The Elphinstone Institute Neepie Lantern Competition 2024. When Halloween approaches, get your knives and spoons (yes spoons!) ready, and get howking. When you've carved your masterpiece send a pic of your entry to including your full name and postal address to reach us by 1 November 2024.
Rules are to have a lit lantern with a lid and string.
(Photo by Alison Sharman at Neepie Lantern Workshop 2023)
Get howking and have fun reclaiming a North-East childhood Halloween neep lantern tradition and revive it for future generations.
Prizes for the competition include Elphinstone Institute publications and a mention on social media. Two runners up will also receive a prize.
By submitting your entry, you are giving us permission to include the photo in the Elphinstone Institute Archives and to use it online for social media or other similar purposes. You will be credited for any use.
The winner is Gareth Dunnett with his super scary creation.
Runner up: Ali Gardiner
Runner up: Amy Brown
Well done to the 2023 winners, and thank you to all those who sent in the many entries received, they were all excellent, especially those who attended the Neepie Lantern Howking Workshop at the end of October, it was great fun, and it's good to see that traditional neep carving is still going strong for Halloween.
2022 winner Alistair Clark with his creepy creation.
Runner up Elodie de Groot
Runner up Corrie Cheyne
Well done to the 2022 winners, and thank you to all those who sent in the many entries received, they were all excellent, and it's good to see that traditional neep carving is still going strong for Halloween.