Snapper Videos
- The Backstep in Cape Breton Step Dance - Mats Melin
- One Fiddle Tune, Four Basslines - David McGuinness
- Shetland Bridal Tunes - Blyde Lasses (Claire White & Frances Wilkins)
- Cape Breton Piano Accompaniment - Chris McDonald & Kimberley Fraser
- Tracing the Chop - Laura Risk
- Scottish Fiddle Manuscripts in Australia - Emma Nixon
- James Bay Cree Fiddling - Frances Wilkins
- Shetland Songwriting - Claire White
- Folk Meets Baroque - Ronnie Gibson
- Comparing Old Time Ontario & Ottawa Valley Steps - Sherry Johnson & April Verch
- The Bodhran: Celtic Music's Newest Instrument - Fintan Vallely and Gino Lipari
- Ornamenting a slow air on Irish flute - Fintan Vallely
- Resilience & the Music Industry - Leah O'Brien Bernini