Modo Films

Modo Films

A Long Way from Home is a series of 5 short films that are a creative response to the experience of being at home and of being a long way from home. The films can be watched in any order.

Originally conceived as a touring show that would capitalise on Modo's international connections involving participants across Aberdeenshire and collaborating and touring to our partners in Lithuania, Italy and France. However, like the rest of the world, our plans were changed, and, stuck at home, these films are the result.

The work was informed by extensive creative research with young people into the hopes, dreams, fears and realities of being at home, and being away from home, of moving away, and of coming back.

Performers: Caitlin Rae, Emma Ness, Joanne Findlay, Jenny Emslie, Gregor Cameron, Toni McGonigle and Stephanie Hay

Director: Martin Danziger

Thanks to Billy McNeil for drone footage, the Garland Needler families for use of their barn, Peterhead Port Authority and Megan McGonigle.

Text adapted and inspired from interviews conducted for SSAMIS (Social Support and Migration in Scotland), a research project carried out in the area in 2015-2017.

Home-Hame-Дом-Dom is a creative learning project using culture and creativity to build links between people from different communities, especially those who have moved here for work. The project aims to improve connections and to help to integrate people into the local community, creating new and lasting friendships between people from different cultures, and helping people new to the area to get involved with long-established community groups, and encouraging people who have lived here for a long time to get involved with the celebrations and stories of newer arrivals.

Home-Hame-Дом-Dom is a partnership between the Elphinstone Institute, the WEA and Modo, commissioned by the North Aberdeenshire LEADER Local Action Group. The North Aberdeenshire LEADER programme is part-financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community LEADER 2014-2020 programme.

Film 1 - A Long Way from Home - Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone

Film 2 - A Long Way from Home - A land that I heard of

Film 3 - A Long Way from Home - The conveyor turns and turns again

Film 4 - A Long Way from Home - Live in liberty

Film 5 - A Long Way from Home - I'll know I'm home