Doors Open Day

Doors Open Day

Learn about the Elphinstone Institute

University of Aberdeen - Elphinstone InstituteThis Doors Open Day in Aberdeen, Saturday, 7 September 2019, come along and learn about the Elphinstone Institute.

We're a centre for the study of Ethnology, Folklore, and Ethnomusicology and we study the culture of the North-East of Scotland. We produce lots of research on an extremely wide range of topics in the North-East including sacred singing, calendar customs, fiddle playing, shamanism, cultural traditions of Scottish Travellers, Ganzie knitting, life stories of immigrants, hen nights, and plenty of other topics besides.

We also have an extensive public engagement programme full of interesting talks, film screenings, schools projects and more. Come and meet some of the staff and students to hear more.

Explore our archives, library, research, videos, recordings, publications and more. At 11.30am and 12.30pm, we'll screen our 30-minute film 'North-East Scots (Doric): Past, Present and Future', exploring the origins, current state, and future of the Mither Tongue.

Learn about Our Study Programmes
The Elphinstone Institute is the only research centre specialising in the vigorous vernacular culture of the North-East and North of Scotland, and the only Folklore-degree granting institution in the United Kingdom. We offer a taught MLitt (Master's) degree in Ethnology and Folklore, as well as MLitt Res, MPhil, and PhD research degrees, all of which can be undertaken full- or part-time. On the day, we'll have information on each of the above.

The Elphinstone Institute
MacRobert Building
King's College, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 5UA

Tel: 01224 272996