Event Archive
Page 1 of 451 to 10 of 443 Past Events
Simple Heraldry - Cheerfully Illustrated
-Public Lecture Series
Film Screening: Hallout (2022), Hidden (2017), and Rabbit Hole (2015)
-Ethnographic Film Series
Agnieszka Smoczyńska - Screening of The Silent Twins (2022)
-Part of the Tofifest International Film Festival and the Polish-Scottish Mini Festival
Weaving South and North: Tales and Songs of Syria
-Aberdeen and Beyond Storytelling Festival
'No Pigeonholes, Please!': Fiona Kennedy's Diverse Life and Career
-Join us for this talk as part of the Elphinstone Institute's public lecture series.
MLitt Ethnology and Folklore Information Evening (Online)
-Information Session
Beskidian Songs: Żywiec Polish Highlander Singing Workshops
-All are welcome to these free singing workshops.
Film Screening: In the Moment: Poetry Duets and Improvisations (2022)
-Ethnographic Film Series