Finding Scottish Songs and Ballads Online

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Finding Scottish Songs and Ballads Online

This is a past event

A FREE workshop on using the Vaughan Williams Library (VWML) Digital Archive, and learning songs from its latest addition, the James Madison Carpenter Collection

Looking for songs from your area, new songs for your repertoire, or interested in songs and ballads for teaching and study?

Whatever your interest, the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library’s digital archive is the leading online resource of folk materials. This is now live in a bigger and even better version. It now includes over 2000 more songs, half of which come from the North East of Scotland, and features new ways of searching them.

This workshop is a unique collaboration between the TMSA, Elphinstone Institute, and Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. It features:

Laura Smyth, director of the VWML, who will lead a practical session in using the website. Bring your laptop for hands-on practice!

Julia Bishop, of the Carpenter Collection Project will give an illustrated talk introducing Carpenter and his impressive collection of folk song and drama from 1930s Britain.

Janice Reavell, a well-known singer and teacher, will lead a singing workshop featuring treasures from the Carpenter collection.

Everyone is welcome to attend. All you need is an interest in traditional songs and ballads!

MacRobert Building, Elphinstone Institute (Room MR040, Ground Floor)

To book, email