Wir Mither

In this section
Wir Mither

Leith, Sheena

Wi keepit her at hame in her ain hoos.
At's far she bade,
an' winted tae be.

An' wi wisna far awa.

A hoos foo o' memories.
A life spint wi' him
in sicht o' the hill
far wi'd scattert his stoor.

The years took their toll
an' files she not's roon
five, ten, twelve times a day.
Files needin' her supper
lang afore day licht.

Wi aa kint she wis weerin' awa
an' speert ae day
foo she'd like things deen,

"Cremated, scattert aside wir faither?"

"Aye," she says. "Aye.

Bit dinna ging up eence erran."