Blackhall, Sheena
To Pastures New -
Sir James Guthrie
Nippit wing, clippit wing
Short's their bit daunder
Tethered bi unseen string
Goose-herd an gander
Nae soarin lift fur them
Skirlin an skreichin
She'll be a bide-at hame
Nae furreign traikin
Niver tae feel the cloud
On each bird- showder!
She'll hae a scrubbit face
Bare o fine pooder
Nae sun-blink in their een
Anely fairm stoor
Wirk like a muckle steen
Will keep her soor
Nippit wing, clippit wing
Short's their bit daunder
Tethered bi unseen string
Goose herd an gander