Thoughts on a Scottish Baptism

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Thoughts on a Scottish Baptism

Goodall, Phyllis J.

Source: A Scottish Baptism - John Phillip

"Who presents this child for baptism?"
Aye, young father wi the solemn face,
Are ye thinking o the weary warl
That lies afore yer lass?

"Do you promise to bring her up...?"
The sun will nae aye be shinin
Throu the roses.

"In the precepts and principles o the Christian faith ?"
An she winna aye be a quaet quinie in a fite goonie
Na, she'll turn ill-tricket
Like the little loon tittin at the table cloth.

"I baptise you in the Name of the Father..."
An weel-faured an heid-strong like the quine aside me.

"The Son and the Holy Spirit."
An mairriet, an a mither
Like Granny at the fireside,
Min'in on a bairn that the same wirds waar said ower,

"And you are accepted into the Church Universal..."
That gid oot braw an bonnie ti fecht at Culloden.

"Now and in the World to come."