In a Little Old Town

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In a Little Old Town

Angus, Marion

The haar creeps landward from the sea,
The laigh sun's settin' reid.
Wha's are the bairns that dance fu' late
On the auld shore-heid?

Wi linkit hands and soople feet.
Slae turnin' in a ring,
Even on and even on
They sing and better sing.

In gangs she' and 'Oot gangs she',
Their steps noo lood, noo saft,
Witless words to an eerie tune,
Sae solemn and sae daft.

And come they from the Windy Wynds
Or oot o' the years lang deid,
I harken wi' a stounin' he'rt
On the auld shore-heid.