The Aul Scotch Fair

In this section
The Aul Scotch Fair

Wheeler, Les

(Tune - Sleepytoon)
A Scotch Fair -
John Phillip

Fae aa the airts an aa the shires,
Big hoose, cottar hoose an traiveller's fires;
Stables, barns an steen-biggit byres
Tae the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

There's fowk fae aa the country roon,
Peterheid, the Broch an Mintlaw toon.
Fae Banff an Buckie they'll aa come doon
Tae the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

There's an affa steer an an affa din;
Fowk lookin for pleesure an some for sin,
Dinna try the cairds for ye'll nivver win,
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

There's loons an quines an dogs an cats;
Weemin in bonnets an chiels in hats;
Jist weir yer buits but leave aff yer spats
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

Hilly's quine, Jean, wi her wee broon calf,
Wi the aul broon coo it'll be sellt aff;
They ken fit their wintin, but they micht get half
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

The halflin, noo, is a gey swack chiel,
A kiss fae the lassie he'd like tae steal,
If her mither sees him, his passion she'll queel
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

Noo, Briggies got a horse tae sell,
Fu aul it is he'll nivver tell,
But look in its moo; it'll tell ye itsel!
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

The fiddler's nae a happy man,
His strathspey playin micht be gran,
But the sodjer's pipes he couldna staun,
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

Tak tint o the drams an the strang Scotch beer.
Fan the sodjer's pipes soun in yer ear;
Or aff wi the army ye micht disappear,
At the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.

It's a gey lang day an a gey lang nicht.
There's a fyow o the chiels are an affa sicht,
But brose for their brakfast'll mak it aa richt,
At the aul Scotch fair in the mornin.

Fae the kitchie deems an the lads fa ploo,
The saiddle-horse an the aul broon coo,
We'll aa say, 'Heist ye back,' for noo,
Tae the aul Scotch Fair in the mornin.