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Glennie, James D.

Ah steed aside the hoosie
The steens aa tummel't doon
Bit the Rowan tree wis bonny
An eence mair ah wis a loon.

Ah saa again the waulie
Wi the goupin speckl't troot
Tae keep the watter bonny
O that thir wis nae doot;
An coo-coo'n in the widdie
Thon flappin cushie doo
At aet the mannie's barley
Ah'll sweir its crap wis fou;
Sene hid in thon steen dykie
Wis a futtret sleek an broon
At gar't thon feel hare-beastie
Rin skirlin roun an roun;
An aneth the smaa corn ruckie
Wis a rodent fat an fou
Ee'en watchin black an beedie
For Lassie's snappin mou;
In the hedge a kirn o Blackies
Mou's gappin fae the nest
Blin, lookin for a wurmy
Tae set their wimes at rest;
An mind the inbye parkie
An Nan the aul deen shelt
Aye snocherin for a sweetie
Wir herts she aye cuid melt;
Brocht oot files in a twa-pun jar
A kirn o squigglin taddies
Sene coup't intil the muckle dam
Tae feed the hungry Craggie,
An files we'd get a caa-owre
Fae the cheil ahin Aul Blue
Tae shift a Peesies nestie
At wis haudin up the ploo;
An ah saw twa lauchin laddies
In memries yester'eers
Playin cowboys in the widdie
Or wis't, "Three Musketeers"?

Aye, a steed aside the hoosie
An ma hert it gaed a stoon
As a saw eence mair the ferlies
At hid thrall't me as a loon.

The "Three Musketeers" were Broomend loons,Jimmy Glennie, Jimmy Robb and Jimmy Michie.