
In this section

Rorie, Dr. David

Aye, a' her life, afore she beddit
This was her prayer, as Elspet said it,

'Poo'ers o' the air! Be gude to me!
Keep me livin'--lat ither folks dee!'

It cairrit her on till eichty--four,
An' the wolf ne'er girnt at Elspet's door.

A'body trimmelt that catched her ee,
There niver was muckle she didna see.

The lasses a' held her in deidly fear,
There niver was muckle she didna hear.

What een and lugs couldna bring till'r hoose,
Elspet niver wad fail to jalouse,

Ilk ane gae her a ceevil gude-day--
When they fand they couldna get oot o' her way.

Ilk ane gae her a cheery gude-e'en--
When sooth-rinnin' water row'd canny atween.

When the miller's mear had her fore-leg broke,
A'body kent the beast forespoke,

A'body kent it was Elspet's spells
And a'body keepit the fac' til theirsel's.

Elspet niver gaed near the kirk,
Naebody likit to meet her at mirk,

An' the nicht the ase-puckle set fire till her chair,
A hare slippit bye wi' its hurdies bare.

Twa herds saw it and heard it squeal
As it hirpled awa for the aid o' the Deil.

But dee'd she in grace or dee'd she in sin,
Her gear a' went to her next-o'-kin,

An' shewn fast in till a lurk in her coats
Was an auld leather bag fu' o' gowd an' notes.

But the far-awa freen that was served her heir
Was slain in a tuilzie at Lourin Fair.

Aye, a' her life, afore she beddit
That was her prayer as Elspet said it,

'Poo'ers o' the air! Be gude to me!
Keep me livin'--lat ither folks dee!'