Doric Prose

In this section
Doric Prose
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z


A Bit o' Houghmagandie! by Munro, Mary
A Bul Binder by John Henderson
A Fettercairn Loon by Blackhall, Sheena
A Letter to Aberdeenshire H.Q. by Creighton, Elma
A Traiveller's Champion by Robertson, Stanley
An Evening in Paris by Morrice, Molly
An Owersetting inno the Doric o 1 Corinthians 13 by Booth, Gordon


Caff Davie of the Ordie by Gillanders, Elizabeth


Doric Awa In the Mearns by Michie, James
Draft Rendition: Genesis, Ch. 1, v. 1 to Genesis Ch. 2, v. 3. by Gardner, Dr Bruce K.


Elvis by Morrice, Molly


Fit a Let Doon! by Leighton, Marischal
Fite Loaf an' Reed Wine by Munro, Mary


Granny's War 1939-46 by Allan, Betty
Grounded by Blackhall, Sheena


Hunt e Gowk by Johnston, Mary


It's Later Than you Think by Wyness, Lys


Jamie Fleeman, 1713-1778. (The Laird o'Widney's Feel.) by Johnston, William G


Kosova 4a.m. by Bray, Leslie


Last of the Mo Haguses by Robertson, Stanley
Learning the Good Book by Chalmers, Aimee
Letter Tae a Namesake by Birnie, Rev. Charles


Monkey Business in Dundee by Leighton, Marischal W.M.
Moray Firth by Flann, Anne


Nae Eneuch Girss Ti Feed A Coo by Johnston, Mary


Prodigal Son by Elphinstone, George


Scots Advent (A piece eence deen fur the wireless) by Ogston, David
Shelts by Blackhall, Sheena
Sports Day by Blackhall, Sheena
Strachan's Bus by Munro, Mary


Tea by Millar, Robert McColl
The Cowpit Cairt by Mackie, Dr Lewis
The Glorious Twelfth by Munro, Mary
The Gweed Samaritan by Elphinstone, George
The Lost Bairn by Munro, Mary
The Minefield 1935-46 by Allan, Betty
The Mustard Seed (Mark Ch 4 verses 26-41) by Elphinstone, George
The Ootlin by Ogston, David
The Sawer (Mark 4 verses 1-20) by Elphinstone, George
The Tattie Bogle by Robertson, Stanley
The Wird o God by Munro, Mary
The Wye The Coyote Howls by Blackhall, Sheena