Counselling Service

Counselling Service

We offer both face-to-face counselling sessions on campus and virtual counselling sessions on the Microsoft Teams Platform. Face to face sessions will be at our centre and are available Monday to Friday during the day, and on a Monday evening until 8pm.

We offer a free counselling service which will normally require you to attend for 50 minutes, at the same time, once a week. The first session will be an assessment session, conducted by one of the tutor team or a more experienced trained student counsellor. This will check that what we offer meets your needs and if there are any concerns about this match we will support you to find a more appropriate service.

We will ask you to complete some paperwork when you first attend and at your final session. The paperwork will be fully explained to you and, when completed, stored on an encrypted system by the university.

This paperwork allows us to monitor standards and will contribute to our programme's research. Our offer of counselling is not dependent on you completing the paperwork or consenting to the use of your data. This consent, if given, can be withdrawn at any time. We are grateful for all contributions to our ongoing research and at all points during your time at The Bounds, fully-informed consent will be requested.

We may also be able to offer sessions in your own language; please ask when booking.

Emergency Help and Telephone Support

Occasionally during counselling difficult and distressing emotions can emerge. If these become overwhelming it is important that you let someone know how you are feeling. Think in advance about who you could talk to (for example a friend or relative). You can also call The Samaritans on 116 123 (24/7 and free from landlines and mobiles).

In the unlikely event that feelings get worse and if you feel that you are at risk of harming yourself or others at any time, please make an urgent appointment with your GP or call out of hours service - NHS Grampian 111.