You can expect your person-centred counsellor to listen carefully and non-judgementally to your concerns, to show empathy (the ability to put themselves in your shoes), and to create an atmosphere in which you feel safe to talk openly about your thoughts and feelings. Counsellors do not normally give advice, though they may have ideas for you to explore. Sessions are strictly confidential, however there are some limits to confidentiality which will be discussed with you in the first session. Your counsellor will give you ample notice of holidays or other absences and will only cancel at short notice in exceptional circumstances beyond their control.
Counsellors cannot offer support or friendship outside of the agreed sessions and will not have contact with you except in connection with the scheduling of sessions.
Counselling is a shared endeavour that works best when sessions take place regularly and consistently. We ask that you give at least 24 hours' notice if you are unable to attend a session. If you fail to attend- without advance notice - two consecutive sessions we will assume you no longer want counselling. We understand that sometimes situations arise that lead to the cancellation of sessions, however if sessions are frequently cancelled then counselling cannot be effective and we will therefore have to end your counselling.
Sessions begin and end on time. Counselling cannot take place if you arrive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If you wish to end counselling, you will be invited to attend one further session. The nature and quality of endings are important in counselling, as many people have experienced difficult or traumatic endings. If after ending you wish to return, contact us and a new assessment appointment will be made.