8. Harvesting and cooking

8. Harvesting and cooking

Suggested Timing: May/June

The harvesting and eating of food from plants is both a task and a celebration. It is the culmination of the ongoing care, collaboration, and partnership between human and non-human life.

Short Film: Harvesting

1. Taking Stock of the Harvest

Children can make observations and take measurements for each plant type harvested, recording both data and verbal descriptions. Through measurements, children can appreciate that produce comes in different shapes and sizes. Produce is normally weighed in kilograms.

2. Harvesting - a time to celebrate!

Harvesting is an important activity in many cultures across the world. Festivals related to the harvest can involve the whole community coming together to share and eat some of the produce.

Short Film: Cooking

3. Seasonality

Knowing that different vegetables are in season at different times of the year helps children to appreciate how different foods and recipes have been developed for different times of the year.

4. Food Preparation

As well as understanding the seasonality of foods, and developing sensory appreciation of the diverse qualities of different fruits and vegetables, it is important for children to begin to develop some culinary life skills.

5. Tasting

Learning to grow and prepare local vegetables that are available 'in season' is an important step in understanding sustainability. It also links with other concepts such as time, the weather and the seasons (latitude). Children will also learn that the nutritional value and taste of foods is best when the food is in season. Such understanding can be enhanced through activities linked to tasting of food.

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