Suggested timing: February
Germination is the process of a plant developing leaves and roots from a seed. It is a process of slow change and transformation which we can observe as a series of stages.
Short film - From small to big: Seeds and germination
1. Seeds and tubers
Most plants germinate and grow from seeds. However, many plants sprout from the specially adapted storage parts of their stem - these typically develop below the ground and are called tubers. The potato is an example of a plant tuber. Potatoes are largely made of starch, stored from the growing plant. The potato lies dormant over winter, until new growth sprouts from the 'eyes' the following year which then develops into new plants.
2. Seed distribution
Depending on their shape, weight and size: a seed can travel far away or get buried deep in the soil; some seeds can be eaten by animals or get carried on their skin or fur; others can float on water or fly in the wind. Outside, children can practice making seeds fly - how far do different seeds travel?
3. What do seeds need to grow?
A seed can travel a long way before it settles. Children can compare this to a traveler equipped for a journey or extended stay - with a stockpile of water, and initial food reserves. As the seed starts growing, gradually water and sugars will be used up, which is why we need to make sure seeds are watered and put into nutritious soil to grow.
4. Observing germination
Seeds can start germination in a small pot. Why do we sometimes not plant seeds directly outside? (See Useful Resources to help find the answer to this question).
5. Observing growth
Growing seeds need care of on a regular basis - this is ideal for also allowing close observation of the growth. Children can develop a simple chart to record the process:
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