Project Structure & Outputs

Project Structure & Outputs

The Project is divided into several Work Packages (WP), each focusing on a specific and specialist aspect.

Project Structure

Work Packages


The ArabTrans Project is designed to stimulate research into the relationship between political beliefs, values, and practices. The project contributes to evaluating country and regional socio-economic and political trends based on system-, meso-, and individual-level factors. This analysis contributes to understanding the root causes and results of the Arab uprisings, as well as examining the conditions of possible future developments.

ArabTransitions produces a broad range of outputs available to policymakers and other stakeholders. In addition to the survey, extensive codebooks, and survey guides, the project produces the following outputs

  1. Survey data set: 85 questions and over 300 variables (complete)
  2. Longitudinal dataset: includes all major sources of survey and non-survey data on the region (2000-2015) (complete)
  3. Country Reports: Based on the ArabTrans 2014 survey, each country's data are analysed providing insights into key political, economic, and social developments. (complete)
  4. Comparative Report: Also based on the ArabTrans 2014 survey, the project produces a Comparative Report for all surveyed countries analysing key themes in depth. These themes include Quality of Life, Corruption, Trust, Migration, Political Participation, and Gender. (in progress)
  5. Transitions Reports: Analysing political, economic, and social trends and transformations in the region to produce transition analyses for each country plus Comparative Report (in progress)
  6. EU-MENA Relations: the status, perception, and impact of the EU from within the region (near complete)
  7. Youth & use of ICTs, with a focus on mobilisation (in progress).
  8. Policy Briefing Papers: The first paper analyses MENA populations' perceptions of democracy, development, and of the EU's role in the region.

Based on these analyses, the project produces accessible analyses and recommendations for stakeholders including the EU, governments, NGOs, media, and the public.

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