Developing & Delivering A Mindfulness Intervention

In this section
Developing & Delivering A Mindfulness Intervention

On this page, we will be sharing the resources used to develop and deliver a mindfulness intervention using a whole-school approach in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

As the project progresses, we will be adding training related to teaching mindfulness and delivering mindfulness with children, and the learning and resources from developing the context-specific intervention itself.

All resources are © 2023 University of Aberdeen unless otherwise specified. All resources are licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license .

Adult Mindfulness Training

To deliver a mindfulness intervention with children, first teacher educators must have a strong understanding and experience of practising mindfulness for adults. WP2 began with a 14-week adult mindfulness training course, completed by the teacher educator team.

Additional Resources

Paper referred to in week 10: Dahl, C.J. and Davidson, R.J. (2019) 'Mindfulness and the contemplative life: pathways to connection, insight and purpose', Current Opinion in Psyschology, 28, 60-64. Available at:

PowerPoint slides for week 14 'An Introduction to MiSP 2 and Course Review '.

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0