The practical craftmanship and social practices of apprentice chefs in a professional kitchen setting
The background for this article is a project that explores the concept of apprenticeship training as an educational learning framework in the training of chef students from the chef training program at a technical college in Denmark, as well as in two high-end Danish restaurants. Here I conducted anthropological fieldwork...
The Practice Learning Model: conceptualizing teaching and learning in vocational education and training - in practice
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is characterised by a high degree of proximity to the practice it qualifies for. The teaching of for example carpentry students is directed towards and based on the practice of the trained carpenter. This contrasts with traditional upper secondary education where it is not often...
Parental engagement and involvement in supporting (language) learning: lessons from the "bringing Gaelic home" study
This paper explores the findings of a small-scale mixed methods study set in one school which set out to investigate the effects of the school closures because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and subsequent home-learning periods, on language acquisition in children in lower primary of Gaelic medium education. Using data collected...
Com-pàirteachadh phàrant gus taic a thoirt dha ionnsachadh (cànain) - ionnsachadh bho sgrùdadh "Gàidhlig a thoirt dhachaidh"
Tha am pàipear seo air co-dhùnaidhean pròiseact rannsachaidh stèidhichte ann am bun-sgoil a bha a’ cleachdadh modhan measgaichte a bheachdachadh. Bha an rannsachadh airson buaidh aig dùnadh sgoiltean air sgàth ‘s a’ ghalair lèir-sgoilte Covid-19 agus na h-amannan ionnsachadh dachaigh air togail cànain ann an cloinn ann am bun-sgoile anns...
Engaging northern rural and Indigenous students: case studies using One Health and principles of educational resilience
Indigenous and rural populations are underrepresented in many science-related educational fields, leading to underrepresentation in biomedical, science, and related professions. A contributing factor is the misalignment of Western education and engagement strategies and these cultures; this is especially true for northern subsistence cultures. We review the influence of a combined...
Supporting vocational education and training (VET) students through dog-assisted activities
There are only really two rules to follow
Old challenges, new context: Scotland's colleges as pathways from poverty in the post-covid era
Barriers to higher education experienced by refugees and asylum seekers: a whistle-stop tour of scholarly perspectives from the United States