Sustainability, environment and co-production: braided with frayed ends

Sustainability, environment and co-production: braided with frayed ends


Elizabeth Curtis, Beth Cross, Cathy Francis




In planning for this editorial, Beth Cross and I met online to reflect on our original call for papers for this special issue. We opened our conversation by reflecting on the question of 'how the environment has been part of our day-to-day?’ Beth had just returned from a walk to her nearby beach, where the sun and the tide were out, no sign of seaweed and the sea a grey line. Letting thoughts ebb within her, Beth pondered on how to make more human the weight of articles on key issues of sustainability written in a scientific way? What happens when climate change is encountered though fiction or art?

From my office I saw the sea, with the new wind farm, but know that just over the horizon, we're still extracting oil and gas. I noted the tension between the urgency which is brought about by climate change and the need for employment to support the families of my part of the world once the jobs in fossil fuel industries disappear. In this special Issue the articles and features take us on a journey in which we encounter the role of art practice in giving voice to children and families living in and beyond the arctic circle whose lives are directly affected by climate change and the complexities of fossil fuels extraction.


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Published in Volume 29(2) Sustainability, environment and co-production: braided with frayed ends,

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