Arctic art education in changing nature and culture
The interconnection between the ecological and the cultural is evident in the Arctic. Thus, we propose the term ecoculture to highlight the connection of communities to places. Ecological knowledge, Indigenous knowledge, tacit knowledge and local knowledge are some of the concepts that highlight diverse ways of knowing in rural communities...
Connections, concepts and cartographies: re-imagining sustainable education systems through perceptive engagement with children in contemporary education
Concepts of sustainability should underpin education systems across the globe. Yet, strong positivist views have dominated Western knowledge structures for centuries, privileging isolated, quantifiable paradigms over holistic knowledge-making practices as lived and known by alternative groups of peoples and ages. If education systems aid in the shaping of future thinking...
Teacher shortage in Sweden: time to take action?
In Sweden, the lack of teachers is a national challenge and a societal problem, and the difference between supply and demand for teacher students will increase until 2035. Today, only 7 out of 10 teachers in compulsory school have certification and the variation between schools and regions is great. The...
Experiences of remote teaching, technological pedagogical competencies and workload of teachers in northern Finland during the COVID-19 pandemic
In this study, we examine the experiences of teachers, particularly in relation to their remote teaching competencies, in the county of Lapland, North Finland, during the COVID-19 pandemic, as they face new pedagogical challenges in remote teaching. To identify the teachers’ competency needs in remote teaching, the study uses questionnaire...
Pohjois-Suomen opettajien kokemuksia etäopetuksesta, teknologis-pedagogisesta osaamisesta sekä työn kuormittavuudesta COVID-19 pandemian aikana
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme Lapin alueen opettajien etäopetukseen liittyviä kokemuksia COVID-19 -pandemian aikana. Opettajien etäopetuksen osaamistarpeiden tunnistamiseksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään kyselyaineistoa (N=164), joka on kerätty perusasteen ja toisen asteen opettajilta aikana, jolloin opettajat kohtasivat uusia pedagogisia haasteita etäopetukseen liittyen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia reflektoidaan teknologis-pedagogis-sisällöllisen tietämyksen mallin (TPACK) valossa. Tavoitteena on selvittää etäopetuksen toteuttamisen...
The extinction of experience and (re-)cultivating wellbeing and sustainability through garden-based learning
On the importance of sycamore seedlings and other lessons learned along the way: a conversation with Dr. Ian Edwards
An educational framework for a post-capitalist world? A review of the 2021 report from UNESCO's International Commission of the Futures of Education
Learning, socialization and education in the digital classroom