Embodied Knowledge Construction in Writing

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Embodied Knowledge Construction in Writing


Satu-Maarit Frangou




In cognitive and educational sciences, the writing process is an incessantly debated area, particularly when it comes to the newer methods of writing on keyboards and touchscreen devices. Despite controversies, learning through writing with digital devices remains an overlooked area of cognition. To address this gap, in this study, an embodied knowledge construction model that merges Hayes’ framework for understanding cognition and affect in writing with Wilson’s six aspects of embodied cognition was tested among six 16-year-old adolescents. The data comprised memory tests written with a pencil, laptop keyboard, mobile phone touch screen keyboard and a questionnaire. The purpose was to not only examine the adolescents’ recollection after one week of writing stories with these three modalities but also reflect and examine issues affecting the results, which would help develop and validate the embodied knowledge construction model. The results indicate that valuable information was added to the quantitative recollection scores. We have proposed further development of the model.


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writing, embodied cognition, cognition, embodied knowledge construction model



Published in Volume 25 (3) Perspectives on Spaces,

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