Information for Authors

Information for Authors

All articles, features and reviews should be sent as email attachments to unless otherwise stated in the call for papers.

All contributions (including, where relevant, abstract, quotations, tabular material, references, etc.) should be presented in English or Gaelic (other languages will be considered please contact us). Each contribution should bear a title, authors' names, including corresponding author, institutions/affiliation and email addresses and should be typed on a separate sheet and submitted with the manuscript.

All manuscripts for the Article section of Education in the North are peer reviewed in a double-blind process by two colleagues who are usually based in different countries. Contributions are usually in response to a Call for Papers for a themed issue but submissions outside of the theme of the Call will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Peer Review Criteria for Submissions to the Article Section

  • Is the writing easy to follow?
  • Is the literature review comprehensive?
  • Are the research methods used appropriate?
  • Is there enough detail about the methods to ascertain the rigour of the study?
  • Are the findings clearly presented and linked clearly to the research questions?
  • Is analysis described in enough detail?
  • Are the claims made in the discussion and conclusion sections stated clearly and supported by the findings?
  • Are limitations of the work identified and addressed?
  • Has the author explained how the research makes a contribution to knowledge?