Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Education in the North

Call for Papers:

Submissions are invited for a Special Issue of Education in the North:

Grounding Knowledge in Community 

Caa oot fur Speecial Issue: Community Reeted Ken

Edited by Jennifer Markides, Liisa Ravna Finborg, and Beth Cross.

Acknowledging the lands we live on and the rivers we live with, recognizing our place in community with all our relations, we want to address the importance of indigenous voices in this issue. Jennifer explains more in this video.

Figure 1: source: Niitsitapi Learning Centre: Calgary Board of Education

In iss caa oot, we invite contributors tae heist up e research aat bides in communities. Share e stories o yer partnerships an e wyes ken is co-created in yer wirk igither. We’re leukin fur contributions aat splore e follaein question: Wi e unnerstanin aat community memmers are e experts in thir ain contexts an wisdoms, foo div research partnerships acknowledge, honour, an big up fit communities wint, need, an ken?


In this call, we invite contributors to lift up the research that lives in communities. Share the stories of your partnerships and the ways knowledge is co-created in your work together. We are looking for contributions that explore the following question: With the understanding that community members are the experts in their own contexts and wisdoms, how do research partnerships acknowledge, honour, and enhance what communities want, need, and know?

Community-based research is often heartwork – taking heartwork to mean the labour that involves giving of yourself and spirit in the process. The giving in these partnerships is akin to practices of art-making. As you begin to assess if this call is for you, know we as editors work on this special issue whilst beading and knitting alongside tapping on keyboards and following the transcript of our meeting chat. We pause to savor words like weaving, resonance and recuperative so that the rhythms with which we think extend and deepen. We invite you to do this and allow space for conversations with communities to dwell in the moment, so that contributions spring from this practice. Liisa reminds us as we have worked together  of the saying, that time doesn’t go, it comes – that is, the time for the right work to be done will find us.

The “Grounding Knowledge in Community” issue will explore knowledge rooted in communities. The research and writing should not extract from partnerships but generate knowledge with/in them, in ways that change normative power relationships within research. We believe this issue is timely as there is growing synergy between Indigenous Communities' resistance to coloniality and communities working to address the disadvantages of neo-liberal globalisation more widely. Research is one medium through which these communities seek to represent themselves and set the agendas for their communities rather than have them described and prescribed for them by authorities external to them. It is these processes and the lessons within them that we want to lift up in this issue.

We welcome articles and other mixed media contributions that:

Gie space fur blethers wi communities tae dwell in e moment, sae contributions can spring fae iss practice.

  • explore language work needed to be more attentive to ecologies of care
  • explore practices grounded in localised knowledges and community relations
  • explore practice based methodologies that are resonant with indigenous and community based forms of knowledge sharing.
  • explore how to regain indigenous or community based forms of knowledge sharing
  • problematise authority and authoring in “knowledge transfer”
  • problematise frames of education and learning
  • hold lessons for transforming academic practice in ways that address truth and reconciliation work.

Those who have done some pathfinding in this work are:

Elizabeth Sumida Huaman, Nathan D. Martin, na’im madyun, and Peter Mataira, (2024). Edgewalkers and the Westernized University. DIO press.

Snow, K., and Tootoo, B., (2021). Opportunity for Aajiiqatigiingniq with Qamanittuaq youth: an examination of the factors impacting identity development and wellness. Education in the North, 28(1).

If you have an idea you would like to talk over please get in touch with any of the issue editors. Please get in touch with your contribution idea by 14th June 2024.

Submission Deadlines

  1. Expression of interest and 400-word abstract sent to 14th June 2024.
  2. Submission of manuscript sent to by 16th August 2024

Special Issue Editors

Jennifer Markides -

Liisa-Ravna Finbog -

Beth Cross -

Journal Editors: Helen Martin and Claire Molloy