GCID Public Event: International Development: Changes and challenges

GCID Public Event: International Development: Changes and challenges

This is a past event

Priorities in International Development are constantly changing. Our speakers will give an overview of the current UK and global priorities. They will then ask the audience to try their hands at being national decision makers having to spend aid funds…

About the speakers:Sue Kinn began her career as a laboratory-based cell biologist.  She has 15 years experience working in public health and health services research.  Sue moved to the DFID in 2004 and is currently the leader or the human development research team.  She manages a team of 12 with a research portfolio covering health and education, with a budget of over £65M in 2011. 

Malcolm McNeil is a Senior Health Adviser in DFID and has worked on programmes in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.  Before joining the Research and Evidence Division in DFID, Malcolm was the Team Leader of the AIDS and Reproductive Health Policy Team.  Malcolm has worked on NGO health programmes in Kenya and was also the International Director for Tearfund.  Malcolm's background is in health education, community development and international public health.


Event concludes with a reception in the Sir Charles Wilson foyer.  Free and open to the public.For catering purposes please email Lauren Roberts at gcidadmin@glasgow.ac.uk or call 0141 330 1989 if you plan to attend.

Download: 111004 GCID lecture flyer

Malcolm McNeil & Sue Kinn (Department for International Development - DFID)
Hosted by
Glasgow Centre for International Development
Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, University of Glasgow, 1 University Avenue Campus Map Location E15: http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_1887_en.pdf