Facilitation Training Day With Talk Action

Facilitation Training Day With Talk Action

This is a past event

Facilitation Training Day

A course that will help you gain the tools and techniques to make your facilitation engaging and productive

'Very useful, made me reconsider my approach when dealing with communities'
Brian Dunne (Scottish Natural Heritage)

'Extremely helpful to go through the whole process of facilitation'
Ruth Campbell (Waste Aware Scotland)

'Lots of meaty content - very engaging!' The Eden Project

Facilitation Training Day  Thursday 22nd September 2011  10.00 – 16.00  The Melting Pot, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 2PR A course that will help you gain the tools and techniques to make your facilitation engaging and productive  'Very useful, made me reconsider my approach when dealing with communities'  Brian Dunne (Scottish Natural Heritage)  'Extremely helpful to go through the whole process of facilitation'  Ruth Campbell (Waste Aware Scotland)  'Lots of meaty content - very engaging!' The Eden Project  The Course  The need for good local engagement is becoming ever more important as work develops around empowerment and the ‘Big Society’.  Local meetings and engagement processes can too often be un-involving, unproductive and even confrontational. Good facilitation can help tackle these problems and help people to make local discussion and planning an enjoyable and productive process. It is also important for the development of better policy and practice, for understanding local needs and developing more sustainable communities.  This interactive course will look closely at the roles a facilitator may play and how and when a facilitator’s role may link in to work on longer term community development. It will build the confidence of anyone keen to be a good facilitator and give them a solid basis on which to develop their own skills.  People attending this course will learn how to:  • How and when to hold meetings and when to use other approaches  • Build a working relationship with an existing organisation or a group of individuals  • Use appropriate tools and techniques  • Develop facilitation work in ways appropriate to a range of diverse communities  • Deal with problematic situations  • Evaluate facilitated processes  Who should attend this course?  The event will benefit anyone working with groups of people in formal or informal settings. Whether a novice starting out, or an experienced facilitator wishing to expand on their techniques, the course will be tailored to the participants’ needs.  The Facilitator  Chris Church has worked in the voluntary sector and as a consultant for over 25 years. He is an experienced advisor on community and sustainable development issues, with a wide range of experience at international, national, and community level. He is an associate of the Community Development Foundation and a member of the London Sustainable Development Commission. Chris is chair of the UK Local Carbon Communities Network.  Chris has previously worked with the Community Sector Coalition, the National Trust, BTCV, Defra, Groundwork, the European Union TACIS programme, Surfers Against Sewage and many local councils. He is trained as a teacher and has been developing and running training programmes for 22 years.  Prices include a vegan/vegetarian lunch, Fair Trade refreshments and networking time with organic wine.  Cost  • Large Charities, Public Sector, and Businesses: £288 per person  • Smaller charities and Individuals (under 8 staff) £130 per person  • Subsidised places are available for people on low incomes. Please apply in writing to Talk Action, The Grayston Centre, 28 Charles Square, London, N1 6HT.  • Tailored courses can be arranged for groups at a date & location to suit you.  For bookings and information please contact:  Talk Action  www.talkaction.org  Tel: 0207 324 4774  Email: jelliott@talkaction.org (The venue is fully accessible with wheelchair-accessible lavatory)  Supported by: Environment Job (www.environmentjob.co.uk). 



Chris Church
Hosted by
Talk Action
The Melting Pot, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 2PR

 For bookings and information please contact: 
Talk Action 
Tel: 0207 324 4774 