Building on UK Diaspora Partnerships

Building on UK Diaspora Partnerships

This is a past event

This Edinburgh meeting (one of seven around the UK) is being supported by the Scotland Malawi Partnership, as part of our Diaspora engagement programme. However, all members of the Africa, Asia, Caribbean and Latin America Diaspora community are encouraged to attend the meeting.

With representatives of Diaspora organisations in the Edinburgh area, councillors, community leaders,  leaders in the fields of health, education, youth and faith work and representatives of organisations involved in international partnerships how we might build on the links that the Diaspora have to their home communities in Africa, Asia, Caribbean and Latin America.

How representatives of the Diaspora in the Edinburgh region might facilitate links between schools, hospitals, local authorities, youth groups, faith-based organisations and others in the Edinburgh region with counterparts in their home communities in for example Malawi, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Gambia, Chile, the Philippines or Jamaica.

To book a place please email:

scotland-malawipartnership events 

Hosted by
BUILD (Building Understanding through International Links for Development), supported by the Scotland Malawi Partnership
Edinburgh City Chambers, 253 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ