Linked Solutions to linked problems.Female education in Malawi

Linked Solutions to linked problems.Female education in Malawi

This is a past event

The SMP, with the Healthy Lifestyle Project and North Lanarkshire Council, invite you to attend this event which includes talks from four visiting Malawians on:

'Challenges Facing Girls in Malawi': Mrs Hazel Manda, Shire Highlands              Divisional Education Manager

'Impact of Mother Groups in Malawi Secondary Schools': Angella Nkhoma, Headteacher, Mendulo Community Day Secondary School

'Girls Go for Health in Malawi': Deborah Nagalande, Primary School teacher

'Challenges Facing Women prisoners in Malawi (A spirituality of effective action)': Sister Anna Tommasi of the CCC Trust i.e. Chifundo, Chillungamo, Chitukuko (Charity, Justice and Development)


To book a place please email:


Hosted by
Scotland Malawi Partnership
The Conforti Institute, Coatbridge, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge, ML5 4JS