Cross College seminar on Bangladesh

Cross College seminar on Bangladesh

This is a past event

Seminar on latest research findings in Bangladesh


Adam Price, Reader, Plant Molecular Genetics, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, UoA:- Arsenic in Bangladesh and rice genetics

Mehar Nigar, Research Fellow, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, UoA:- Arsenic tolerance in rice

Mahmud Sumon, PhD Student, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, UoA:- Arsenic cycling in Bengali sediments

Md. Israfil Biswas, PhD Student, MIEB MBCS Electronics Research Group, School of Engineering, UoA:- Next Generation Internet for Global Development

Farhana Haseen, Research Fellow, Public Health Nutrition Research Group, UoA:- Sustainable change in food and nutrient consumption among the ultra poor: is the BRAC poverty reduction programme making a difference in Bangladesh?

Zahidul Quayyum, Health Economics Research Unit, UoA:- Community level intervention for integrated maternal and neo-natal and child health in rural Bangladesh

Chair: Hilary Homans, Director, Centre for Sustainable International Development, UoA


Hosted by
CSID sub group on Bangladesh
IMS Level 7 Conference Room, Foresterhill