GCID Public Lecture: “Madagascar and the campaign to stop tar sands going global”

GCID Public Lecture: “Madagascar and the campaign to stop tar sands going global”

This is a past event

Lecture presented in association with the World Development Movement

Thousands of lives are under threat from French oil giant Total's plans to mine tar sands in Melaky, one of the poorest regions in Madagascar.  To extract tar sand oil in Canada, an area the size of Wales has been strip mined, the toxic tailing ponds are visible from space and some local cancer rates have risen dramatically.  Using taxpayers' money, the bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland is helping to finance this heavily polluting industry. 


Holly will talk about the campaign to prevent new tar sands extraction in one of the world's poorest countries and greatest biodiversity hotspots.

This event is free and open to the public. For attendance monitoring purposes please email Lauren Currie at gcidadmin@glasgow.ac.uk or call 0141 330 1989 if you plan to attend.

Tar Sands

Holly Rakotondralambo, Toxic pollution & health researcher for VOARISOA Observatoire, Madagascar
Hosted by
Glasgow Centre for International Development, University of Glasgow
Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theatre A (Room 407, Level 4)