Films from Sub-Saharan Africa

Films from Sub-Saharan Africa

This is a past event

Over the coming weeks CSID will be showing a series of films from Sub Saharan Africa. This is in preparation for the 6th Century Course on Sustainable International Development which will commence on 28th September 2011.
The showings will take place at 1900 each Wednesday.
These events are open to all including members of the general public.

The films will be selected from the following list:

Multinationals, World Bank and IMF, World Health Organisation, capitalism

  • Bamako, 2007, Abderrahmane Sissako, Mali
  • The Constant Gardener, 2005, Kenya
  • Xala, 1974, Ousmane Sembene, Senegal , VIDEO and DVD in library


  • Sometimes in April, Rwanda (genocide and resilience)
  • The Last King of Scotland, 2006, Uganda

Self determination and civic organisation

  • Africa United, 2010, Rwanda
  • Cry Freedom, 1987, South Africa (apartheid, social exclusion, freedom of information – Steve Biko and Donald Woods)
  • Everyone's child, c 1991, Zimbabwe (HIV, social exclusion, children's rights)
  • Goodbye Bafana, 2007, South Africa (Mandela in prison – human rights and relationships)
  • Moolaade, 2004, Ousmane Sembene, Senegal (female genital mutilation, gender relations and women's rights)
  • More time, Zimbabwe (Adolescence –pregnancy, HIV, reproductive rights)
  • My Secret Sky, 2010, South Africa (street kids, inequity)
  • Neria , Zimbabwe (Women's inheritance and rights)
  • Sarafina, 1992, South Africa (apartheid, social exclusion, education, young people's rights)
  • Skin, 2008, South Africa (True story about race, apartheid, social exclusion and gender relations)
  • Tsoti, 2005, South Africa (street kids, inequity)
  • Yesterday, 2003, South Africa (HIV, social exclusion, gender and human rights)


CSID Associates and Tutors
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development
University of Aberdeen, MacRobert Building, Room 252

Susanna Weir