Seminar: Promoting education and health in Sub-Saharan Africa - the role of Aberdeen NGOs

Seminar: Promoting education and health in Sub-Saharan Africa - the role of Aberdeen NGOs

This is a past event

Representatives from local NGO's will give short presentations of their work in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Jim Weir and Ross Grant will present the work of Tillydrone Vision with a school in Uganda and provide an update of their recent visit. Carolyn Adams will give some background to the work of Arrow Kenya, including some reflections on overcoming the personal challenges of  working with a small hospital in the Nairobi slums.  She will include some of the ethical dilemmas and practical challenges she has faced. 

 All welcome!


Arrow Kenya 

Tillydrone Vision   

Aberdeen NGOs Seminar          

Staff from Aberdeen based NGOs: Arrow (Kenya) and Tillydrone Vision (Uganda)
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development
MacRobert room 028